<front-stub> Stub Front Metadata
Reduced set of metadata for use in <sub-article> and <response>, both of which
are contained within an article. Any metadata not explicitly tagged in the front-stub
inherited from <article-meta> in the enclosing article.
A front stub is used when a publisher
or archive chooses not to repeat all the article metadata (such as the article publishing
information or the issue metadata) for an embedded component such as a
sub-article, but assigns that sub-article only the metadata (such as title, first
page, and possibly contributor) that is particular to it, which
it does not share with the main article. The assumption is that the sub-article will
any metadata elements from <article-meta> in the
enclosing article that are not defined explicitly in the <front-stub>.
In this Tag Set, the possible metadata elements for the <front-stub> is very nearly the same as the possible metadata elements for the entire article
(<article-meta> inside <article>). The two are so similar because, while the metadata for the stub will almost always
contain many fewer elements, this Tag Set does not wish to predict which elements
a given publisher or archive will leave out. It is a business decision how much metadata
to place in a sub-article.
The difference between the two is that everything is optional in <front-stub>, since it is expected to be a small subset, while the metadata for the full article
(<article-meta>) requires the elements <article-title> and <pub-date>.
Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
- <article-id> Article Identifier, zero or more
- Optionally any one of:
- <article-categories> Article Grouping Data, zero or one
- <title-group> Title Group, zero or more
- Any combination of:
- <author-notes> Author Note Group, zero or more
- <content-language> Content Language, zero or more
- Any one of:
- <pub-date> Publication Date, zero or more
- <pub-date-not-available> Publication Date Not Available Flag, zero or one
- <volume> Volume Number, zero or more
- <volume-id> Volume Identifier, zero or more
- <volume-series> Volume Series, zero or one
- <issue> Issue Number, zero or more
- <issue-id> Issue Identifier, zero or more
- <issue-title> Issue Title, zero or more
- <issue-title-group> Issue Title Group, zero or more
- <issue-sponsor> Issue Sponsor, zero or more
- <issue-part> Issue Part, zero or one
- <volume-issue-group> Volume Issue Grouping, zero or more
- <isbn> ISBN, zero or more
- <supplement> Supplement Information, zero or more
- Optionally any one of:
- The following, in order:
- <fpage> First Page
- <lpage> Last Page, zero or one
- <page-range> Page Ranges, zero or one
- <elocation-id> Electronic Location Identifier
- The following, in order:
- Any combination of:
- <history> History: Document History (deprecated), zero or one
- <pub-history> Publication History, zero or one
- <permissions> Permissions, zero or more
- <self-uri> URI for This Same Article Online, zero or more
- Any combination of:
- <abstract> Abstract, zero or more
- <trans-abstract> Translated Abstract (deprecated), zero or more
- <kwd-group> Keyword Group, zero or more
- <funding-group> Funding Group, zero or more
- <support-group> Support Group, zero or more
- <conference> Conference Information, zero or more
- <counts> Counts, zero or one
- <custom-meta-group> Custom Metadata Group, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT front-stub %front-stub-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(article-id*, (article-version | article-version-alternatives)?, article-categories?, title-group*, (contrib-group | aff | aff-alternatives)*, author-notes*, content-language*, ((pub-date)* | pub-date-not-available?), volume*, volume-id*, volume-series?, issue*, issue-id*, issue-title*, issue-title-group*, issue-sponsor*, issue-part?, volume-issue-group*, isbn*, supplement*, ((fpage, lpage?, page-range?) | elocation-id)?, (email | ext-link | uri | product | supplementary-material)*, history?, pub-history?, permissions*, self-uri*, (related-article | related-object)*, (abstract)*, trans-abstract*, (kwd-group)*, funding-group*, support-group*, conference*, counts?, custom-meta-group*)
Tagged Samples
<sub-article> metadata
<article dtd-version="1.4" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
<journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">J Athl Train</journal-id>
<journal-title>Journal of Athletic Training</journal-title>
<issn publication-format="print">1062-6050</issn>
<sub-article article-type="article-commentary">
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<given-names>Susan E.</given-names></name>
<aff>Susan E. Kirk, MD, is Assistant Professor in Internal
Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Endocrinology
and Metabolism, University of Virginia Health System,
Charlottesville, VA.</aff>
<response> metadata
<article dtd-version="1.4" article-type="discussion"
<journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">BMJ</journal-id>
<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">BR MED J</journal-id>
<journal-title>BMJ: British Medical Journal</journal-title>
<issn publication-format="print">0959-8138</issn>
<issn publication-format="electronic">1468-5833</issn>
<publisher-name>British Medical Journal</publisher-name>
<response response-type="discussion">
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<role>general practitioner</role>
<aff>33 Goffs Park Road, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 8AX</aff>