<pub-date> Publication Date

Container element for the parts of a single date associated with an article’s publication (for example, date preprint was released, date article was published in print).


Of all the dates concerning an article, the publication date is the most important, for discovery, credit, Crossref and other authority registration, and other uses. Therefore the publication date should be tagged using its own semantic element <pub-date>, rather than as an <event> or a <date> element.

Best Practice: Use @iso-8601-date

It is recommended to provide an @iso-8601-date attribute on every <date> element, for better machine processing and interoperability

Best Practice: Don’t Repeat <pub-date>

As part of the article metadata (<article-meta>), the <pub-date> element is allowed to repeat. Each repetition can take a different @publication-format attribute to distinguish which form of publication (for example, print publication, electronic publication, ePub) and a @date-type attribute to distinguish between preprint, publication, re-release, etc.
However, current best practice is record only a single <pub-date> at any one time. When a new publication format is produced, any previous <pub-date> elements should be described as <event>s inside <pub-history>. This leaves the <pub-date> as the single source of the latest date of publication.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  pub-date     %pub-date-model;                             >
Expanded Content Model

(((day?, month?) | season)?, year, era?)

Tagged Samples
Article metadata print publication
 <article-id pub-id-type="pmid">...</article-id>
 <aff id="StLukes">...</aff>
 <pub-date publication-format="print" date-type="pub" iso-8601-date="1999-03-27">
Article metadata multiple publication dates
 <pub-date publication-format="electronic" date-type="pub"

 <pub-date publication-format="print" date-type="pub"
Related Resources