Common Tagging Practice

This chapter is as close as the Tag Library gets to a guide to tagging JATS documents using the Archiving Tag Set. It provides descriptions of common tagging practices and guidance for specific tagging issues. Essays discuss JATS structures and the design choices involved in tagging complex conceptual structures, for example, author affiliations and keywords, which involve numerous choices among elements and attributes. This information is intended to be useful for those learning JATS and those working with JATS documents. In some cases we describe "best practice"; in other situations there is no consensus on best practice and we describe several common practices.
Subsidiary sections:




Alternative Versions

Clinical Trials, Links to

Data Availability Statements



Letters and Replies

MathML and JATS

Multiple Languages/scripts

Personal Names

Questions and Answers

Review Book/Product/Software


Supplementary Material


Deprecated Structures (JATS 1.4d1)