<pub-id> Publication Identifier for a Cited Publication

Identifier of a publication in a bibliographic reference or product description.


The <pub-id> element holds an external identifier, typically assigned to a document by an agency such as the publisher, an archive, an aggregator or hosting service, or Crossref or other DOI authority. The contents of this element should not be confused with the @id attribute, which holds an internal document identifier that can be used by software to perform a simple link inside the XML document.

Attribute Best Practice

Type of Identifier

Best practice is to use @pub-id-type to indicate the type of external identifier, such as a publisher’s identifier, a DOI, a PMID, an aggregator’s or archive’s identifier, the identifier assigned by an indexing or hosting service, or similar.
The values of the @pub-id-type attribute are unconstrained, so the attribute may take any value.

Authority for Identifier

The attribute @assigning-authority should name the organization or system that assigned the identifier or administers the identifier (such as Crossref, OCLC, GenBank, Figshare).
Recording a DOI — Publication Identifier versus an Object Identifier
This tag set includes two elements which may be used to record a DOI as an identifier:
  • The <pub-id> element is used inside a citation (and similar elements such as <product>) to provide an identifier such as a DOI for a cited publication.
  • The <object-id> (used on many elements within the document as well as inside citations) is used to identify parts of an article. For example, a particular table, figure, ref-list, or table in the narrative text may be given an <object-id> such as a DOI so that it can be referenced. Similarly, an <object-id> inside a citation is the identifier of the citation, so that it can be referenced; it is not an identifier for the cited object.
Consequently, a bibliographic reference (<element-citation> or <mixed-citation>) could contain both the <object-id> element (with the DOI for that citation) and the <pub-id> element (with the DOI for the article being referenced in the citation).
Historical Note
Until JATS version 1.2d2 (2018), the @pub-id-type’s value conflated two meanings: the attribute could hold the type of identifier (such as a DOI or ISBN), or it could hold the name of the organization or system that defined or registered the identifier (such as Crossref). There was no way to state both that the identifier content of the element was a DOI and that the server was Figshare or Crossref. Although all the previous @pub-id-type values will continue to be accepted, for best practice, the @assigning-authority should name an organization, and the @pub-id-type attribute should describe the identifier type.

Base Attributes


Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  pub-id       (#PCDATA)                                    >
Tagged Samples
In citation within text
<sec id="s0014" sec-type="data-availability">
 <title>Data availability statement</title>
 <p>The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in <mixed-citation
  publication-type="data"><source>Zenodo</source> at <pub-id
In citations in a Reference List
Mixed citation
<ref id="B8">
  <article-title>Effects and costs of day-care 
  services for the chronically ill: a randomized 
  experiment</article-title>. <source>Medical Care</source> 
  <year iso-8601-date="1980">1980</year>; <volume>18</volume>: 
  <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">6772889</pub-id>.
Element citation
<ref id="B8">
  <person-group person-group-type="author">
  <article-title>Effects and costs of day-care 
   services for the chronically ill: a randomized 
  <source>Medical Care</source>
  <year iso-8601-date="1980">1980</year>
  <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">6772889</pub-id>