%article-meta-model; Article Metadata Model
Design Note
- Metadata specific to the article itself;
- Metadata concerning the journal in which the article was published; and
- Metadata concerning the issue of that journal that contains the article.
<!ENTITY % article-meta-model "(article-id*, (%article-version.class;)?, article-categories?, title-group*, (%contrib-group.class; | %aff-alternatives.class; | %x.class;)*, author-notes*, content-language*, ( (%pub-date.class;)* | pub-date-not-available?), volume*, volume-id*, volume-series?, issue*, issue-id*, issue-title*, issue-title-group*, issue-sponsor*, issue-part?, volume-issue-group*, isbn*, supplement*, ( ( (fpage, lpage?)?, page-range?) | elocation-id )?, (%address-link.class; | product | supplementary-material)*, history?, pub-history?, permissions*, self-uri*, (%related-article.class;)*, (%abstract.class;)*, trans-abstract*, (%kwd-group.class;)*, funding-group*, support-group*, conference*, counts?, custom-meta-group*)" >
Expanded Declaration
(article-id*, (article-version | article-version-alternatives)?, article-categories?, title-group*, (contrib-group | aff | aff-alternatives | x)*, author-notes*, content-language*, ( (pub-date)* | pub-date-not-available?), volume*, volume-id*, volume-series?, issue*, issue-id*, issue-title*, issue-title-group*, issue-sponsor*, issue-part?, volume-issue-group*, isbn*, supplement*, ( ( (fpage, lpage?)?, page-range?) | elocation-id )?, (email | ext-link | uri | product | supplementary-material)*, history?, pub-history?, permissions*, self-uri*, (related-article | related-object)*, (abstract)*, trans-abstract*, (kwd-group)*, funding-group*, support-group*, conference*, counts?, custom-meta-group*)