<role> Role or Function Title of Contributor
Title or role of a contributor to a work (for example, author, principle investigator,
illustrator, research associate, conceptualization).
The role of a contributor may be relative to acquiring the data, performing the research,
writing the paper, data visualization, or even an organizational or supervisional
role. As an enabling standard, JATS is agnostic on this point, and a publisher, archive,
aggregator, or other JATS user may identify <role> elements for contributors as they choose.
The content of a <role> element may be: the name of a role (possibly recorded as natural language text),
a CRediT taxonomic term, a term from a non-CRediT taxonomy, the translation of a CRediT
or other term into another language, a CRediT term with “free-text qualifiers”,
What Elements Can Hold Roles
In JATS, roles may be recorded for
primary contributors (<contrib>, <contrib-group>, or <collab-wrap>), inside bibliographic
citations for cited contributors (<element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, or <person-group>), inside a
signature block (<sig-block>), or inside the descriptions of
referenced materials (<product>, <related-article>, or <related-object>). If a
single contributor played more than one role in the creation of an article, the <role> element may be repeated, typically with different vocabulary attributes or a different
@content-type attribute for each <role>.
How to Name Contributor Roles
JATS contains two very different methods for naming the type of contribution made
by an individual (also known as the role of a
- the @contrib-type attribute (non-repeating) placed on the <contrib> element, and
- the <role> element, which can be used within the <contrib> element (to describe the role of an individual contributor) or within the <contrib-group> (to indicate more than one contributor acting in the same role).
Historically (in JATS predecessor NLM DTD) the @contrib-type attribute was considered to be metadata for grouping authors or editors, etc. and
the <role> element was the more likely to be used for screen or print display. For example,
the <contrib> element’s @contrib-type attribute might have a value of “editor”, whereas the content of the <role> element could be “Associate Editor”. As another example, the <contrib> element’s @contrib-type attribute might be “author”, and the <role> element might contain “Principal Author”.
Why Use <role>
More recently, in an effort to reflect more accurately the differing contributions
of the many people involved in the writing of an article or the research behind the
article, publishing practices have changed to be more specific about the roles of
contributors. A single @contrib-type attribute value was not considered sufficient to describe a person’s full contributions,
although @contrib-type may still be used for informal grouping, with a value such as “authors”.
The <role> element is now used both for machine-processable contributor details and for display
- The <role> element can repeat, so one contributor can be credited with playing more than one role in the creation of an article.
- The four JATS vocabulary attributes can tie the content of a <role> element to an ontology or taxonomy, such as the ANSI/NISO Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT).
- The <role> element has also proven useful to describe people in organizational roles or publication-specific roles that are not directly related to the article or the research behind the article (such as “Editor-in-Chief”).
Role Attributes Record Taxonomy
If the content of the <role> element is a term from a controlled vocabulary (ontology, taxonomy, term-list, vocabulary,
industry glossary, or other known source), the vocabulary attributes should be used
to record that source. This source is typically a formal ontology or taxonomy such
as the ANSI/NISO Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT). Four attributes can be used
in this Tag Set to identify a term from such a controlled vocabulary:
Name of the controlled or uncontrolled vocabulary, taxonomy, ontology, index, database,
or similar that is the source of the term. For example, for a role, a value might
be the CRediT taxonomy (“credit”) or MESH Headings (“mesh”). For an uncontrolled term, the value might be merely the word “uncontrolled”.
Unique identifier of the vocabulary, such as (but not limited to) a URI or DOI. For
example, for Dublin Core (DCC), the identifier may be http://dublincore.org/documents/2012/06/14/dces/. For the ANSI/NISO Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT), the identifier may be http://credit.niso.org/.
The content of the element is the display version of the vocabulary or taxonomic term.
The @vocab-term attribute holds the canonical version of the same term, as it appears in the vocabulary.
For example, if the attribute value was
“Writing — original draft”, the element might contain the display text “Author”.
Character Caution: Characters such as Ndash are used in the canonical CRediT names, and they may also
be used in the content of the <role> element.
But General Entities (such as –) should not be used in the value of this attribute;
inside the @vocab-term value, use the Unicode character reference “—” for an Ndash.
Unique identifier of the term within a specific vocabulary, such as (but not limited
to) an item number, an accession number, a URI, a DOI, etc.
Taxonomic Term Best Practice
ANSI/NISO Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) terms are complex phrases such as:
Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims
Data curation
Management activities to annotate data [produce metadata], scrub data, and maintain
research data
Writing — original draft
Creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial
CRediT terms are typically recorded using the JATS vocabulary attributes.
The <role> element takes the @content-type attribute, which is designed to accept any text as its value, and so could hold a CRediT term. However, best practice is to tag the CRediT terms using the vocabulary
attributes to make the connection to CRediT, rather than using @content-type. The content of the <role> element may echo the CRediT term, or be any local text, but the @vocab-term attribute should hold the canonical CRediT term, with the other vocabulary attributes
pointing to the CRediT taxonomy.
The @content-type on <role> can be used for non-vocabulary-based values such as “photographer” or “deep sea diver”.
Multi-lang Attributes
Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
- Text, numbers, or special characters
- Linking Elements
- Related Material Elements
- <hr> Horizontal Rule
- Emphasis Elements
- <bold> Bold
- <fixed-case> Fixed Case
- <italic> Italic
- <monospace> Monospace Text (Typewriter Text)
- <overline> Overline
- <overline-start> Overline Start
- <overline-end> Overline End
- <roman> Roman
- <sans-serif> Sans Serif
- <sc> Small Caps
- <strike> Strike Through
- <underline> Underline
- <underline-start> Underline Start
- <underline-end> Underline End
- <ruby> Ruby Annotation Wrapper
- <alternatives> Alternatives For Processing
- Inline Display Elements
- Inline Math Elements
- Math Elements
- Other Inline Elements
- Internal Linking Elements
- Baseline Change Elements
- <x> X - Generated Text and Punctuation
Content Model
<!ELEMENT role (#PCDATA %role-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | hr | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | underline-start | underline-end | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | x)*
Tagged Samples
Free-style contributor roles
<contrib-group content-type="conference-editors">
<contrib contrib-type="editor">
<name name-style="western">
<role>Conference Editor</role>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<name name-style="western">
<article-title>Systematic review of day hospital
care for elderly people</article-title>
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<given-names>Anne Williams</given-names></name>
<role>research physiotherapist</role>
<aff id="StLukes">Department of Health Care
for the Elderly, St Luke’s Hospital,
Bradford BD5 0NA</aff>
<aff id="RoyalInf">Academic Section of Geriatric
Medicine, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 0SF</aff>
<copyright-statement>Copyright © 1999, British
Medical Journal</copyright-statement>
<copyright-holder>British Medical Journal</copyright-holder>
<p>To examine the effectiveness of day hospital attendance
in prolonging independent living for elderly people.</p>
Contributor roles with CRediT terms
... <contrib-group> <contrib> <string-name><given-names>Barbara</given-names> <surname>Johnston</surname></string-name> <role vocab="CRediT" vocab-identifier="http://credit.niso.org/" vocab-term="Conceptualization" vocab-term-identifier= "http://credit.niso.org/contributor-roles/conceptualization/" degree-contribution="lead">study designer</role> </contrib> <contrib> <string-name><given-names>Brooke</given-names> <surname>Jackson</surname></string-name> <role vocab="CRediT" vocab-identifier="http://credit.niso.org/" vocab-term="Writing — original draft" vocab-term-identifier= "http://credit.niso.org/contributor-roles/writing-original-draft/" degree-contribution="lead">writer</role> </contrib> </contrib-group> ...
CRediT terms with ampersand/ndash
Special characters in CRediT attribute values need to be supplied as Unicode character references. In narrative text, the same
special characters may be expressed as Unicode character references, general entities,
or keyboard characters.
<string-name><given-names>Anne</given-names> <surname>Berns</surname></string-name>
<role vocab="CRediT"
vocab-term="Writing — original draft"
>Article Author – Original Draft</role>
In citations
Mixed citation
<given-names>D. H.</given-names></name>
<given-names>T. A.</given-names></name>
</person-group>, <role>managing directors</role>.
<source>Wildlife habitat relationships in Oregon
and Washington</source>. <publisher-loc>Corvallis,
Oregon, USA</publisher-loc>: <publisher-name>Oregon
State University Press</publisher-name>;
<year iso-8601-date="2001">2001</year>.
Element citation
<given-names>D. H.</given-names></name>
<given-names>T. A.</given-names></name>
<role>managing directors</role>
<source>Wildlife habitat relationships in Oregon
and Washington</source>
<publisher-loc>Corvallis, Oregon, USA</publisher-loc>
<publisher-name>Oregon State University Press</publisher-name>
<year iso-8601-date="2001">2001</year>
For language-required gender disambiguation
... <contrib> <name> <surname>St-Pierre</surname> <given-names>Josée</given-names> </name> <role>codirectrice</role> </contrib> <contrib> <name> <surname>Bastin</surname> <given-names>Georges L.</given-names> </name> <role>codirecteur</role> </contrib>...