Definition |
Contains a narrative description of the attribute. This is not a formal dictionary definition, but more an explanation of
what the attribute means, what type of information it provides, or how it can be used.
Usage |
Discusses expected uses for the attribute, such as when or why it might be used or how to determine its value
Remarks |
When present, provides additional information about the attribute, such as similar or contrasting attributes, processing information,
or material about the base element
Conversion Notes are usage instructions aimed at persons converting from another journal article tag set to this one, for
example, information concerning the problems associated with embedding TeX or LaTeX in XML and the need, therefore, to surround
TeX or LaTeX with a CDATA section.
Implementor’s Notes are instructions written to persons creating or maintaining tag sets based on the Suite.
Values |
Performs three functions:
— The elements that may take the attribute are named following the phrase “In elements:”. For each element, both the tag name
(the shorter element type name) and the longer descriptive name are given.
If the attribute can be used in more than one way, or with several slightly different meanings, there will be more than one
“In elements:” section. Each “In elements:” section is followed by a value table that describes the attribute’s values when
it is used with the specific elements just listed. For example, the attribute may have exactly the same meaning whenever it
is used, but sometimes it is required while other times it is optional, so there will be two “In elements:” sections, one
naming all the elements for which the attribute is required, and one naming all the elements for which the attribute is optional.
— Following each “In elements:” section is an Attribute Value Table that lists the possible values of the attribute and explains
selected values. When the attribute originates in the Journal Publishing Tag Set or the base Suite, the Values table also
explains the meaning of each value. Attributes defined in PUBLIC tag sets that have been incorporated into the Journal Publishing
Tag Set or base Suite (such as the MathML Tag Set) do not have their values explained, since those values are not established
in this Tag Set and may change without notice.
The Attribute Value Table typically contains two columns although a third column titled “Behavior” may be present. Each row
in the table describes one value, where:
The last row of the table begins with the word “Restriction:”. This row indicates whether the attribute must be supplied when the relevant element is used or is optional and may be supplied. A default value, if any exists, is also provided.
Suggested Values
— For those attributes whose value is defined as text (letters, numbers, or special characters), this Tag Set does not enforce
any particular value(s), but a list of suggested values may be provided.
Journal Publishing Tag Library NISO JATS Draft Version 1.1d2
Version of December 2014