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<label>Figure 1</label>
<title>Overview of Our Approach for Mapping the
<named-content content-type="genus-species">E. coli</named-content>
Transcriptional Regulatory Network</title>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.g001"/>
<fig id="pbiog002" position="float">
<label>Figure 2</label>
<title>The CLR Algorithm: Methods and Comparison to Other
<p>(A) A schema of the ...to profile.</p>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.g002"/>
<fig id="pbiog003" position="float">
<label>Figure 3</label>
<title>The Transcriptional Regulatory Map Inferred by CLR with
an Estimated 60% Precision</title>
<p>The precision of ...</p>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.g003"/>
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<label>Figure 4</label>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.g004"/>
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<label>Table 1</label>
<p>Data Sources for the ...</p>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.t001"/>
Journal Publishing Tag Library NISO JATS Draft Version 1.1d2
Version of December 2014