Definition |
This section provides a narrative description of the parameter entity, describing what it contains, what it does, or why and
when it should be used.
Remarks |
For some parameter entities, this section provides additional useful information about the parameter entity or its usage.
Design Notes are instructions aimed at implementors, so they may better appreciate the rationale underlying a design decision
such as the inclusion of an OR bar within a parameter entity. For example, inline-mix parameter entities always begin with
an OR bar to ease customization for those organizations wishing only character data rather than a mixed content model for
a particular element.
Content Model |
Contains a copy of the parameter entity’s declaration in XML syntax, i.e., the “content” of the parameter entity. This may
contain embedded parameters entities, of the form “%name;”.
Expanded Content Model |
Contains a copy of the parameter entity’s declaration in XML syntax, i.e., the “content” of the parameter entity with all
embedded parameter entities expanded to their ultimate values.
Module |
This portion names the base Suite module in which the parameter entity is defined. In those instances in which the Suite’s
declaration for a parameter entity has been overridden by a Tag-Set-specific override module, the name of the Tag-Set-specific
override module will be named instead.
<!ENTITY % list.class "def-list | list" >
<!ENTITY % rendition-plus "| %emphasis.class; | %subsup.class; | %phrase-content.class;" >
<!ENTITY % kwd-group-model "(label?, title?, (kwd | compound-kwd | nested-kwd)+ )" >
<!ENTITY % kwd-elements "| %emphasis.class; | %phrase-content.class; | %subsup.class;" >
<!ENTITY % kwd-elements " " >
<!ENTITY % response-atts "%jats-common-atts; response-type CDATA #IMPLIED specific-use CDATA #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED" >
Journal Publishing Tag Library NISO JATS Draft Version 1.1d2
Version of December 2014