<!ELEMENT long-desc (#PCDATA %long-desc-elements;)* >
<title>The Size/Price Paradox</title>
<long-desc>Table is a price comparison of some
unknown objects that are identified only by
color as Red and Green. The price of small,
medium, and large objects is given for each
color, with Green objects getting cheaper with
increasing size, from $3.25 for small to $2.25
for medium to $1.15 for large. In contrast, Red
objects get more expensive with size, with small
costing $3.25, medium for $5.25, and large for $9.95.
<table rules="rows">
<td rowspan="3">Green</td>
<td rowspan="3">Red</td>
Journal Publishing Tag Library NISO JATS Draft Version 1.1d2
Version of December 2014