<compound-subject> Compound Subject Name
Wrapper element to hold all the parts of a multi-part subject (for example, a subject
term and the code representing that term).
Attribute Best Practice
If the content of the <compound-subject> element is a term from a controlled vocabulary (ontology, taxonomy, term-list, vocabulary,
industry glossary, or other known source), the vocabulary attributes should be used
to identify that source. The source named can be a formal ontology or an informal
field of study. The specific term can also be referenced in the source, using the
vocabulary term identification attributes.
Vocabulary Identification Attributes
Two attributes are used in this Tag Set to identify a vocabulary. If these attributes
have already been used on <subj-group>, they need not be repeated on each <compound-subject>.
Name of the controlled or uncontrolled vocabulary, taxonomy, ontology, index, database,
or similar that is the source of the term. For example, for a subject term, a value
might be the IPC Codes (“ipc”) or MESH headings
(“mesh”). For an uncontrolled term, the value might be
an area of study such as “medical-devices” or merely the word “uncontrolled”.
Unique identifier of the vocabulary, such as (but not limited to) a URI or DOI. For
example, for Dublin Core (DCC), the identifier may be “http://dublincore.org/documents/2012/06/14/dces/”.
Vocabulary Term Identification Attributes
Two attributes are used in this Tag Set to identify an individual term from a vocabulary (controlled or an uncontrolled):
The content of the element is the display version of the vocabulary or taxonomic term.
The @vocab-term attribute holds the canonical version of the same term, as it appears in the vocabulary.
Unique identifier of the term within a specific vocabulary, such as (but not limited
to) an item number, a URI, DOI, etc.
Models and Context
May be contained in
<compound-subject-part> Compound Subject Part Name, one or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT compound-subject %compound-subject-model; >
Expanded Content Model
Tagged Samples
Codes and their expansions
... <article-categories> <subj-group> <compound-subject> <compound-subject-part content-type="code">A1</compound-subject-part> <compound-subject-part content-type="text">Cellular and Molecular Biology </compound-subject-part> </compound-subject> <subj-group> <compound-subject> <compound-subject-part content-type="code">A11</compound-subject-part> <compound-subject-part content-type="text">Blood–brain barrier</compound-subject-part> </compound-subject> <subj-group> <compound-subject> <compound-subject-part content-type="code">A115</compound-subject-part> <compound-subject-part content-type="text">Permiability </compound-subject-part> </compound-subject> </subj-group> </subj-group> </subj-group> <subj-group> <compound-subject> <compound-subject-part content-type="code">A2</compound-subject-part> <compound-subject-part content-type="text">">Neurobiology </compound-subject-part> </compound-subject> </subj-group> </article-categories> ...
With @content-type attribute
<subj-group subj-group-type="flesch-subject-headings">