<volume> Volume Number

Number of a journal (or other document) within a series.


Ordinals with Volume Numbers: In JATS journal articles, the volume number element (<volume>) is used both inside the article metadata and inside citations. If ordinals for such numbers (“nd”, “st”, etc.) need to be recorded, they may be used with <volume> as follows:
  • Inside the article metadata (<article-meta>), the ordinals for a volume number must be placed inside the <volume> element: <volume>1<sup>st</sup></volume>.
  • Inside an element citation (<element-citation>), the ordinals for a volume number must be placed inside the volume number: <volume>1<sup>st</sup></volume>.
  • Inside a mixed citation (<mixed-citation>), the ordinals for a volume number may be placed inside the volume number (as just shown) or outside the volume number: <volume>1</volume><sup>st</sup>.
Related Elements
The related <volume-id> element is used to record an identifier, such as a DOI, that describes an entire volume of a journal or series.
In the metadata for most articles, there is a single issue number (<issue>) and a single volume number (<volume>) that describe where the article was published. These elements are located directly inside <article-meta>. However, some articles are published in more than one issue or in an issue that has more than one issue number. For these rare cases, a grouping element (<issue-title-group>) has been added, which associates issue title metadata (such as the issue title and subtitle) for a single issue. The element is repeatable to gather the issue title metadata for multiple issues.
There is also a larger-scale grouping element (<volume-issue-group>) to handle the rare cases where an article has been published as part of more than one volume/issue pair. This element keeps related volume and issue information together, and is allowed to repeat to describe multiple volume/issues.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  volume       (#PCDATA %volume-elements;)*                 >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material |
related-article | related-object | hr | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline |
overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | underline-start |
underline-end | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct |
inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end |
milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup |
Tagged Samples
 <isbn content-type="conf-proc">978-0-7354-1164-7</isbn>
 <fpage seq="1">113</fpage>
 <pub-date publication-format="print" date-type="pub" iso-8601-date="1999-03-27">
  <date date-type="accepted" iso-8601-date="1999-01-29">
In citations
Mixed citation
  <ref id="B8">
    <article-title>Effects and costs of day-care 
    services for the chronically ill: a randomized 
    experiment</article-title>. <source>Medical Care</source> 
    <year iso-8601-date="1980">1980</year>; <volume>18</volume>: 
    <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">6772889</pub-id>.
Element citation
  <ref id="B8">
    <article-title>Effects and costs of day-care services
     for the chronically ill: a randomized experiment</article-title>
    <source>Medical Care</source>
    <year iso-8601-date="1980">1980</year>
    <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">6772889</pub-id>
Related Resources