abstract-type Type of Abstract

Type or style of abstract as identified by the publisher (for example, “short”, “graphic”, “ASCII”, or “stereochemical”).


The Tag Set does not prescribe values for this attribute, so any type of abstract that a publisher records can be preserved. The suggested values described below are merely examples.
OPTIONAL on elements: <abstract>, <trans-abstract>
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters Brief name for the type of abstract, such as “short” or “stereochemical”.
Restriction @abstract-type is an optional attribute; there is no default.

Suggested usage

Some commonly used type values for this attribute are shown below. The list shows examples, as illustrations of why such information might be recorded. The list is not intended to be exhaustive; there are many other named types of abstracts.
A “plain text” abstract, i.e., without special characters or equations, so the abstract can be sent in email or displayed on primitive browsers
A non-technical summation of the major findings of the article
A pictorial representation such as a picture or a video
An abstract written by an editor, not an author
An abstract which lists the key points made by the article
An abstract used for Learning Objectives or article objectives
An abstract containing the titles of an article’s sections; following each title, that section is summarized.
An abbreviated form of the abstract, for example, for use inside a generated Table of Contents, or to be returned in addition to the article title during a search
An abstract containing only the details of a chemical compound, for example, one major publisher’s “stereochem” abstract
Summation of the article, typically used in conjunction with other types of abstracts
A short abstract specifically written to create interest in the reader
A very short abstract, usually only a line or two long, that is displayed in a Table of Contents
Short summary intended for distribution on a website
Tagged Sample

Identifying an abbreviated form of the abstract

<abstract abstract-type="short">
 <p>The is the third and last part of the volume devoted to solubility 
  data ...</p>