style-type Style Type

Description or explanation of the stylistic difference being recorded (for example, illuminated letters, drop cap).


This attribute can be used to name the specific formatting marked with a <styled-content> element that records non-standard styling information.
Related Attribute
For some styling, three pieces of style information are most useful:
  • the style name or style class (possibly actionable),
  • the style type (human readable), and
  • further specific information concerning the style, which is recorded in the @style-detail attribute.
In English, and other Western languages, these three style facets can be used, for example, for formatting verse. In many Eastern languages, these three facets can be necessary to describe different styles of emphasis.
Kenten and Similar Emphasis
Being able to indicate three separate styling-related specifications is particularly useful in Japanese, where authors typically use emphasizing marks (dots or sesamis), called “Kenten”, which are associated with individual Japanese characters as dots above, dots beside, or similar typographic construction. Many languages (Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Arabic, Hungarian, and Armenian, to name but a few) use stress marks and similar typographic conventions (such as dots or sesamis) in the same way that English (as one example) uses <bold> or <italic> emphasis.
Here are some Japanese examples illustrating how the @style-detail attribute might be used to modify the style (@style-type):
style-type style-detail values
  • open
  • closed (filled)
  • double (dot inside dot)
sesami (sesame)
  • open
  • closed (filled)
  • open
  • closed (filled)
  • double (circle inside circle)
  • forward (slant left)
  • backward (slant right)
  • open
  • closed (filled)
OPTIONAL on elements: <styled-content>, <verse-group>, <verse-line>
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters Name or description for the stylistic type, for example, “drop cap”.
Restriction @style-type is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Samples
Dropped capital
     style-type="drop cap" 
     style="para-d2">D</styled-content>etecting pancreatic cancer 
 in its early stages is complicated ...</p>
Dot used as emphasis on Japanese text
     toggle="no">あいうえお</styled-content> ...</p>