question-response-type Type of Answer(s) to be Given to the Question
Used to mark a question as taking a particular type of answer or set of answers, for
example, “multiple-choice” or “essay”.
OPTIONAL on element: <question>
Value | Meaning |
essay | The answer to this question requires a longer written answer from the student. |
fill-in-the-blank | The answer to this question is a medium-length written answer, typically a phrase or sentence. |
multi-select | There are several option choices presented as responses to this question, and the student must select one or more. |
multiple-choice | There are several option choices presented as responses to this question, and the student must select one. |
short-answer | The answer to this question is a short-length written answer, typically a word or very short phrase or sentence. |
true-false | For the answer to this question, the student must choose between “true” and “false”. |
custom | Not one of the meanings named in this list. The question-response type can be found as the value of the attribute @custom-type. |
Restriction | @question-response-type is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Tagged Samples
Multiple choice with options and explanation
<question-wrap audience="students">
<question id="q2" question-response-type="multiple-choice">
<p>Where was the first permanent English
settlement in the New World?</p>
<option correct="no">
<option correct="yes" id="q2b">
<option correct="no">
<explanation pointer-to-explained="q2b">
<p>Established by the Virginia Company of London, Jamestown
was the first permanent English settlement in the New World;
it flourished from 1607 to 1699. Although the Roanoke colony
was founded earlier (in 1587), that colony failed; upon returning
from a trip to England for supplies, its Governor found the
settlement abandoned. Although one of the earliest New England
colonies, Plymouth (in modern Massachusetts) was not founded
by the Pilgrims until 1620.</p>
True/False with answer and explanation
<question id="q3" question-response-type="true-false">
<p>Peregrine White was the first English child born in
North America.</p>
<answer pointer-to-question="q3" id="ans3">
<explanation pointer-to-explained="ans3">...</explanation>