content-type Type of Content
Conversion Note
Display/Formatting Note
Historical Note
- Unless there was a conflicting rule, a @content-type attribute was added.
- Elements that cannot repeat (such as <body> and <title-group>) were not given a @content-type attribute. This includes all the “-meta” elements and most top-level structural elements (such as <front> and <back>).
- Elements that can appear more than once (either by being repeatable in an element content model or by virtue of being part of a #PCDATA OR-group) were given a @content-type attribute.
- Elements that already had a “type” or “style” attribute were not given a second such attribute.
- Elements concerning glyph characters were not given a @content-type attribute.
- EMPTY elements (such as all the counts) were not given a @content-type attribute.
OPTIONAL on element: <contrib-group>
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | Names the shared role for the contributors within the <contrib-group> element (in the same way that the attribute @contrib-type does for a single contributor). |
Restriction | @content-type is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Suggested usage
OPTIONAL on element: <role>
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | Names/describes a distinct semantic role of the contributor (person or collaboration) in the research behind the article or in the article itself. If the contributor played more than one role in the creation of an article, the <role> element should be repeated with a different value for this attribute. CRediT best practice: Although the @content-type attribute is designed to accept any text as its value, best practice is to tag the ANSI/NISO Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) term when such use is possible. CRediT roles might include, for example, “Conceptualization” (ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims), “Data curation” (management activities to annotate [produce metadata], scrub data and maintain research data [including software code, where it is necessary for interpreting the data itself] for initial use and later reuse), or “Writing — original draft” (creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft). At user discretion, other values such as “deep sea diver” may also be used. |
Restriction | @content-type is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Suggested usage
OPTIONAL on element: <related-object>
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | May be used to name stages in the lifecycle of a related object such as a book, with values such as “preprint” and “version-of-record”. |
Restriction | @content-type is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
REQUIRED on element: <named-content>
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | Names/describes the semantic function for the particular <named-content> element. These elements mark up material that cannot otherwise be described semantically by the elements in this Suite. For example, a medical article might use a @content-type value “body-system” or “gene” while a management article might use a @content-type value “product-name” or “stock-code”. |
Restriction | @content-type is required; it must be provided if the element is used. |
OPTIONAL on many elements; click for list and usage
<abbrev>, <access-date>, <ack>, <addr-line>, <address>, <aff>, <ali:free_to_read>, <ali:license_ref>, <alt-text>, <annotation>, <anonymous>, <answer>, <answer-set>, <app>, <app-group>, <array>, <article-version>, <author-comment>, <author-notes>, <bio>, <boxed-text>, <caption>, <chem-struct>, <chem-struct-wrap>, <city>, <col>, <colgroup>, <comment>, <compound-kwd>, <compound-kwd-part>, <compound-subject>, <compound-subject-part>, <conf-acronym>, <conf-date>, <conf-loc>, <conf-name>, <conf-num>, <conf-sponsor>, <conf-theme>, <conference>, <contrib-id>, <copyright-holder>, <copyright-statement>, <copyright-year>, <corresp>, <country>, <custom-meta-group>, <data-title>, <date-in-citation>, <day>, <degrees>, <disp-formula>, <disp-formula-group>, <disp-quote>, <edition>, <elocation-id>, <email>, <era>, <explanation>, <fax>, <fig-group>, <fixed-case>, <fn-group>, <fpage>, <glossary>, <gov>, <graphic>, <index-term>, <inline-formula>, <inline-graphic>, <inline-media>, <inline-supplementary-material>, <institution>, <institution-id>, <institution-wrap>, <isbn>, <issn>, <issue>, <issue-id>, <issue-part>, <issue-sponsor>, <issue-subtitle>, <issue-title>, <issue-title-group>, <journal-subtitle>, <journal-title>, <journal-title-group>, <kwd>, <legend>, <license-p>, <long-desc>, <lpage>, <media>, <milestone-end>, <milestone-start>, <month>, <name>, <nested-kwd>, <note>, <object-id>, <option>, <p>, <page-range>, <patent>, <permissions>, <phone>, <postal-code>, <prefix>, <price>, <publisher>, <question>, <question-preamble>, <question-wrap>, <question-wrap-group>, <rb>, <ref>, <ref-list>, <resource-id>, <resource-name>, <rt>, <ruby>, <season>, <see>, <see-also>, <self-uri>, <series>, <series-text>, <series-title>, <sig>, <sig-block>, <source>, <speaker>, <speech>, <state>, <statement>, <std>, <std-organization>, <string-date>, <string-name>, <subject>, <subtitle>, <suffix>, <supplementary-material>, <table>, <table-wrap>, <table-wrap-group>, <tbody>, <td>, <tex-math>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <time-stamp>, <title>, <tr>, <trans-source>, <trans-title>, <trans-title-group>, <uri>, <verse-group>, <verse-line>, <version>, <volume>, <volume-id>, <volume-issue-group>, <volume-series>, <year>
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | Names/describes any distinct semantics of the associated element. This may be used to preserve the semantic intent of prior tagging, for example, to record that a table cell was a total or subtotal amount. This may also be used to attach information classes to an element for retrieval purposes. |
Restriction | @content-type is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Tagged Samples
Non-JATS semantic distinction
<named-content content-type="program">Joint United
Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)</named-content>,
<institution>World Health Organization</institution>,
Geneva, <country>Switzerland</country>
... <kwd-group kwd-group-type="Inspec-class"> <compound-kwd> <compound-kwd-part content-type="code">B0260</compound-kwd-part> <compound-kwd-part content-type="text">Optimisation techniques</compound-kwd-part> </compound-kwd> ... </kwd-group> ...
<article-title>The Indian Medical Gazette</article-title>
<pub-date iso-8601-date="1866-01-01">...</pub-date>
<volume-id pub-id-type="barcode"
<issue-id pub-id-type="archive" content-type="scantrac-id"
<date-in-citation content-type="copyright-year"
... <name-alternatives> <string-name content-type="display"> <given-names>Le Thi Tuyet</given-names> <surname>Lan</surname> </string-name> <string-name content-type="index"> <surname>Lan</surname> <given-names>Le TT</given-names> </string-name> </name-alternatives> ...
... <name content-type="patronymic"> <surname>Höskuldsdóttir</surname> <given-names>Hallgerður</given-names> </name> <name content-type="matronymic"> <surname>Mínervudóttir</surname> <given-names>Guðrún Eva</given-names> </name> ...