<extended-by> Extended-by Model

Identification of a JATS extension that the document claims to be following.


The <extended-by> element names a JATS extension or superset that the document claims to be following. The content of <extended-by> may be a name, such as “taxpub”, or a URI. The element is repeatable so that more than one extension can be claimed.
Processing Metadata
The element <processing-meta> provides a more complete in-the-XML description of the tag set associated with a document than can be understood by the article content elements alone. A <processing-meta> names (through attributes) the tag set, table model, and MathML options a document follows and (through elements) some of the modeling restrictions or extensions the document claims to follow.
Processing Metadata is not considered to be part of the content of an article, or part of the metadata for citing an article; it is metadata about how the XML is constructed — not about how the article is structured. This metadata is information at the “file level” and thus not part of <article-meta>, but inside the article as a peer to <front>, which is the article and journal metadata container in JATS.


This optional container element is used to hold the processing metadata elements, which describe processing information descriptive of the XML-tagged document (document instance). The <processing-meta> element contains the following elements:
  • <restricted-by> — Identification of one of the guidelines or other restrictions (such as a tighter subset schema) the document claims to be following. The content of <restricted-by> may be a name such as “jats4r” or “pmc”, or a URI, for example, the URL of a particular JATS4R recommendation. The element is repeatable so that multiple restrictions can be claimed.
  • <extended-by> — Identification of a JATS extension or superset that the document claims to be following. The content of <extended-by> may be a name, such as “taxpub”, or a URI. The element is repeatable so that more than one extension can be claimed.
  • <custom-meta-group> — To hold other processing metadata a JATS user might want to express in the XML file.

Base Attributes


Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  extended-by  (#PCDATA %extended-by-elements;)*            >
Expanded Content Model


Tagged Sample


TaxPub is an extension to JATS that provides taxonomy domain-specific markup in articles published in the area of biological systematics.
<article  dtd-version="1.4d1"
<extended-by>TaxPub (http://plazi.org/resources/schemas-and-ontologies/taxpub/)</extended-by>