journal-id-type Type of Journal Identifier

Type of publication identifier, such as a DOI or a publisher’s identifier.


Type of Identifier Best Practice

Best practice is to reserve the @journal-id-type value for the specific type of the external identifier (such as a DOI) or for a generic type of identifier (such as a publisher’s identifier, an aggregator’s or archive’s identifier, the identifier assigned by an indexing or hosting service, or similar).

Authority Identifier Best Practice

The attribute @assigning-authority may name the organization or system that assigned the identifier or administers the identifier (such as Crossref, OCLC, LoC).
Case in Attribute Values
Upper/lower/mixed case in attribute values for organizations and identifier types is likely to be variable and thus unreliable for search/discovery. If possible, JATS recommends a case-insensitive search for such values. For example, if a journal identifier type is a DOI, many publishers use “doi” to keep all attribute values lower case, while others use “DOI” because that is the native language acronym.
OPTIONAL on elements: <journal-id>, <related-article>
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters Word or phrase that names the type of identifier (for example, “doi”) or that identifies the type of organization or service which assigned the identifier (for example, “index” to indicate an abstracting or indexing service).
Restriction @journal-id-type is an optional attribute; there is no default.

Suggested usage

Although designed to accept any text as its value, the following are suggested journal identifier types for this attribute:
Identifier assigned to a work by an archive or other repository for articles
Identifier assigned to a work by a data aggregator
Digital Object Identifier for the entire journal, not just for the article (rare)
Identifier assigned to a work by an abstracting or indexing service
International Standard Serial Number for a journal (This value is generally used when referring to related articles.)
Identifier assigned to a work by PubMed, for example, “Mol Biol Cell”, “Nucleic Acids Res”, etc. This value is typically the journal abbreviation and may be the same as the abbreviated journal title <abbrev-journal-title>.
Identifier assigned to a work by PubMed Central, for example, a PubMed Central journal abbreviation such as “pnas”, “mbc”, “nar”, “molcellb”, etc. This value is typically the journal abbreviation and may be the same as the abbreviated journal title <abbrev-journal-title>.
Identifier assigned to a work by the content publisher, for example, “MOLEC” or “MOLCEL
Tagged Sample

To indicate PubMed Central assigned the accompanying journal identifier (a PubMed Central journal abbreviation)

 <journal-id journal-id-type="pmc">pnas</journal-id>