<trans-subtitle> Translated Subtitle (deprecated)

Document or document component subtitle that has been translated into a language other than that of the original document or document component subtitle. This element is deprecated.


Avoid using <trans-subtitle>; instead, create a second title-group in a different language to hold the second title/subtitle pair in another language.
There is no longer a need for an element meaning “translated-subtitle” in JATS. Users with title/subtitle groups in more than one language should tag them all as <title-group>s, using the attribute @xml:lang to name the language of the title/subtitle and structures that are known to be translations should be identified using the attribute @lang-translate="yes". (Note that content that occurs in more than one language may or may not be translated.)

Best Practice for Multiple Languages

Within the article metadata, a grouping element (<title-group>) keeps related <title>s and <subtitle>s together. Best practice is to place the language attribute (@xml:lang) on the container element <title-group> rather than either the title or the subtitle, unless the title and subtitle are in different languages. The <title-group> may repeat as many times as necessary, once for each language.
In Citations
Within bibliographic references (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>), <article-title>s and <part-title>s should repeat for different languages (using the @xml:lang attribute to indicate the language). Any matching subtitle should be incorporated as part of the title. The multi-lingual attributes may be used to tie the same title in multiple languages together.
Related Elements
There are several elements concerned with the title of an article, all contained within the container element <title-group> in the article metadata:
  • The <article-title> is the full title of the article.
  • The <subtitle> is a subordinate or auxiliary title that adds information to the full title or modifies the full title.
  • The <alt-title> is another version of an article title, usually created so that the title can be processed in a distinct way, for example, a short version of the title for use in a Table of Contents, an ASCII title, or a version of the title to be used in the right-running-head.
The entire <title-group> should repeat to handle multiple languages, using the @xml:lang attribute to mark the language of the title group. If any of the structures are known to be translations they should be identified using @lang-translate="yes". (Note that content that occurs in more than one language may or may not be translated.)

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  trans-subtitle
                        (#PCDATA %trans-subtitle-elements;)*         >
Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | break)*

Tagged Sample

In <issue-title-group> with 1 original and 2 translations

(<issue-title-group> repeats with <issue-subtitle> replacing <trans-subtitle>)
 <issue-title-group id="issue-title" 
   xml:lang="en" lang-group="issue-title"
  <issue-title xml:lang="en">The Poutine</issue-title>
  <issue-subtitle xml:lang="en">A Tasty Dish</issue-subtitle>

 <issue-title-group id="fr-issue-title"
    xml:lang="fr" lang-group="issue-title"
  <issue-title>La poutine</issue-title>
  <issue-subtitle>un met savories</issue-subtitle>

 <issue-title-group id="pt-issue-title"
    xml:lang="pt" lang-group="issue-title"
   <issue-subtitle>Um Prato amoroso</issue-subtitle>