supplement-type Type of Supplement
Type of supplement or the reason for the supplement (for example, “conference” for a supplement containing information from a conference symposium).
Indicates the type of supplement or reason for the supplement (if the publisher has
recorded that information), for example:
for supplements to a particular journal issue
for supplements containing information from a conference, symposium, or other gathering
for supplements issued at regular intervals
for supplements concerning a particular subject area
OPTIONAL on element: <supplement>
Value | Meaning |
Text, numbers, or special characters | The type of or reason for the supplement, for example, “conference” or “issue”. |
Restriction | @supplement-type is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Tagged Sample
A supplement dedicated to a particular topic
<element-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
<article-title>Creating Gardens to Attract Butterflies</article-title>
<source>Envtl. Gardening</source>
<year iso-8601-date="2013-04">2013</year><month>April</month>
<supplement supplement-type="topic">Suppl A</supplement>