award-id-type Type of Identifier for an Award

Type of or name for an institutional identifier for the <award-id> element, in cases where a type system is being used to identify awards, for example, a DOI.


This attribute does not record the type of award; it records the type of the award identifier for the element <award-id>. Thus, for example, an @award-id-type attribute can identify the award ID as a DOI from the Crossref’s DOI-based Grant Identifier system.
OPTIONAL on element: <award-id>
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters Type of or name for an institutional identifier for the <award-id> element, in cases where a type system is being used to identify awards, for example, a DOI.
Restriction @award-id-type is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Sample


<award-id  award-type="grant" award-id-type="doi">10.32013/abc123</award-id>