<collab> Collaborative (Group) Author (deprecated)
Group of contributors credited under a single name, such as an organization credited
as a contributor. This element is deprecated.
Avoid using <collab> to tag new documents; instead use <collab-name> to hold the name of the collaboration and <collab-wrap> a <collab-name>(s) as well as a list of collaboration contributors.
Tagging a Contributor as a Collaboration
Two elements describe what JATS can record concerning a collaboration in the context
of a <contrib>:
- <collab-name> holds the name of the collaboration and no other content
- <collab-wrap> holds the names of the individuals who comprise the collaboration as well as the name of the collaboration.
This element may also be used within bibliographic references (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>).
History and Deprecation of <collab>
The <collab-name> and <collab-wrap> elements completely replace <collab>, which is now deprecated. Originally, <collab> was defined to hold just the name of a collaboration (the function now performed
by <collab-name>). But over the years, JATS added more and more metadata (such as the names of the
collaboration members) to <collab>, until it was full of many objects that were not the collaboration name and there
was no element specifically associated with the collaboration name. Machine processing
and interchange suffered. The new design tries to bring some semantic sense to describing
a collaboration, by creating a new element specifically to hold the collaboration
name (<collab-name>) and a wrapper element to include the collaboration contributors (<collab-wrap>).
Original (pre-deprecation) Remarks
This element may contain either a collaboration of individuals or the name of an organization
(such as a laboratory, educational institution, corporation, or department) when such
a unit acts as a contributor by, for example, authoring the work.
Not to be confused with the element <contrib-group> which is a container element that holds information such as the names and affiliations
of a group of individual contributors.
Multi-lang Attributes
Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
- Text, numbers, or special characters
- Emphasis Elements
- <alternatives> Alternatives For Processing
- Inline Display Elements
- Inline Math Elements
- Other Inline Elements
- Baseline Change Elements
- Address Elements
- <contrib-group> Contributor Group
- <address> Address/Contact Information
- <aff> Affiliation
- <aff-alternatives> Affiliation Alternatives
- <author-comment> Author Comment
- <bio> Biography
- Linking Elements
- <fn> Footnote
- <on-behalf-of> On Behalf of
- <role> Role or Function Title of Contributor
- <xref> X (cross) Reference
Content Model
<!ELEMENT collab (#PCDATA %collab-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | sub | sup | addr-line | city | country | fax | institution | institution-wrap | phone | postal-code | state | contrib-group | address | aff | aff-alternatives | author-comment | bio | email | ext-link | fn | on-behalf-of | role | uri | xref)*
Tagged Samples
Committee as contributor
(<collab-name> used instead of
deprecated <collab>)
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<collab-name collab-type="committee">Technical Committee ISO/TC 108,
Subcommittee SC 2</collab-name>
<fpage seq="1">1</fpage>
<date date-type="approved" iso-8601-date="2012-06-01">
In citations
(<collab-name> used instead of
deprecated <collab>)
Mixed citation
<ref id="B1">
<mixed-citation publication-type="book">
<collab-name>Research Unit of the Royal College of
Physicians and British Geriatric Society</collab-name>.
<source>Geriatric day hospitals: their role
and guidelines for good practice</source>.
<year iso-8601-date="1994">1994</year>.
Element citation
<ref id="bid.1626">
<collab-name>The BAC Resource Consortium</collab-name>
<year iso-8601-date="2001">2001</year>
<article-title>Integration of cytogenetic landmarks into
the draft sequence of the human genome</article-title>
<pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">11237021</pub-id>
Government report in citation
(<collab-name> used instead of
deprecated <collab>)
<ref id="c25">
<mixed-citation publication-type="report" publisher-type="government">
<collab-name>Federal Highway Administration</collab-name> (FHWA).
(<year iso-8601-date="1992">1992</year>). “<part-title>Evaluating
scour at bridges</part-title>.” <source><italic>Hydr. Engrg. Circular
No. 18</italic></source>: <gov><italic>FHWA-IP-90-017</italic></gov>,
<publisher-name>Office of Engineering, Bridge Div.</publisher-name>,
<publisher-loc>Washington, D.C.</publisher-loc>
Collaborations and named contributors
(<collab-name> used instead of
deprecated <collab>)
... <article-meta> ... <contrib-group> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <string-name name-style="western"> <given-names>T.</given-names> <surname initials="A">Aaltonen</surname> </string-name> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="a618"/> <xref ref-type="collab" rid="c356"/> </contrib> ... <contrib contrib-type="author"> <string-name name-style="western"> <given-names>V.M.</given-names> <surname initials="A">Abazov</surname> </string-name> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="a983"/> <xref ref-type="collab" rid="c489"/> </contrib> ... <contrib contrib-type="author"> <string-name name-style="western"> <given-names>B.</given-names> <surname initials="A">Abbott</surname> </string-name> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="a714"/> <xref ref-type="collab" rid="c489"/> </contrib> ... <contrib> <collab-name symbol="*" id="c356">CDF Collaboration</collab-name> </contrib> <contrib> <collab-name symbol="†" id="c489">D0 Collaboration</collab-name> </contrib> </contrib-group> <aff id="a618"> <label>12</label> <institution>Division of High Energy Physics, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki and Helsinki Institute of Physics</institution>, <postal-code>FIN-00014</postal-code>, <city>Helsinki</city>, <country>Finland</country></aff> ... <aff id="a983"> <label>48</label> <institution>Joint Institute for Nuclear Research</institution>, <city>Dubna</city>, <country>Russia</country></aff> ... <aff id="a714"> <label>112</label> <institution>University of Oklahoma</institution>, <city>Norman</city>, <state>Oklahoma</state> <postal-code>73019</postal-code>, <country>USA</country></aff> ... </article-meta> ...