<event> Event in Publishing History

An event in the publication history of an article, for example, reprinting or publishing a revised online edition. This element may contain information such as a description of the event (<event-desc>), copyright information for a reprint or edition, a publication date, a URI for the article, etc.


An <event> can be the description of a pre- or post-publication event including dates, link(s), an article version, and/or descriptive commentary. An <event> element can also be used to describe earlier versions of an article. As an example, one publisher has an article that was posted on a preprint server, then one version of the author’s accepted manuscript was published, then a subsequent version revising this document was published, then the version of record was published, and then an updated version of record was published. No official “corrections” were published with any of these documents, but each new document can be described with an <event> element.
Related Elements
An <event> provides a more complete description of a date in the lifecycle of an article than can be provided by merely putting a <date> element inside the deprecated <history> element.
Role of <date>: Inside both <event> and the now-deprecated <history>, the <date> element identifies the type of date using the attribute @date-type (with values such as “received”, “accepted”) and identifies the format of the publication using the @publication-format attribute (“print”, “electronic”).
Role of <event>: In addition to one or more dates, the <event> inside <pub-history> can provide:
  • a human readable description of the publishing event,
  • article version and article identification numbers,
  • the publication date associated with the event,
  • and ISSN or linking ISSN,
  • copyright and licensing information,
  • one or more URIs, and
  • additional notes.
Best Practice: An <event> should include those things that were formerly handled by <history>, such as when the manuscript was received or accepted. Within a single XML document, the <event> element inside <pub-history> element be used for all <date>s. In other words, all your dates should be inside <event> in <pub-history> and any existing <date> elements within <history> should be changed into pub-history/event dates.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  event        %event-model;                                >
Expanded Content Model

(event-desc?, article-id*, (article-version | article-version-alternatives)?, ((pub-date)* | pub-date-not-available?), (date | string-date)*, issn*, issn-l?, isbn*, permissions*, notes*, self-uri*)

Tagged Samples
Simple events
Using <pub-history> and <event>s for an elaboration of or a replacement for <date> elements inside <history>.
  <event event-type="received">
   <event-desc>Received: <date date-type="received" iso-8601-date="2017-09-12">

  <event event-type="accepted">
   <event-desc>Accepted: <date date-type="accepted" iso-8601-date="2018-05-26">

  <event event-type="pub">
   <event-desc>Accepted Manuscript published: <pub-date date-type="pub" iso-8601-date="2018-05-30">
    <day>30</day><month>May</month><year>2018</year></pub-date> (version 1)</event-desc>

  <event event-type="pub">
   <event-desc>Version of Record published: <pub-date date-type="pub" iso-8601-date="2018-06-13">
    <day>13</day><month>June</month><year>2018</year></pub-date> (version 2)</event-desc>
Detailed event description
  <event event-type="revision">
   <event-desc>The first version of this article was 
    enhanced considerably between versions of the XML 
    instance. These changes can be seen <ext-link
   <date date-type="accepted-manuscript-r1" 
   <self-uri content-type="accepted-manuscript"
Related Resources