<element-citation> Element Citation

Bibliographic description of a work. Includes bibliographic reference elements only. Does not include untagged text, spacing, or punctuation.


This element is composed of bibliographic descriptive elements (such as <article-title> and <fpage>) in any order, repeated as needed, with no untagged text and all the punctuation and spacing between elements removed.
This element is intended for capturing a publisher’s specific element order; therefore, it does not enforce a particular element order on its own.

Best Practice

Although this Tag Set does not enforce it, best practice is to tag as many of the following elements as possible within a citation (<element-citation> or <mixed-citation>) to a journal article or a book, so that PubMed Central, Crossref, or other matching service can make the journal citation into a live link:
The title of the journal in which the cited article was published. (For journal titles, publishers and archives typically establish authority lists; for example, in PubMed Central processing, the journal title source is usually the NLM title abbreviation of the journal name <source>Physiol Rev</source>.) For book citations, this is the title of the book: <source>Moby Dick</source>.
Title of the article (Use the <source> element for titles of books, reports, conference proceedings, etc.)
Number of the applicable volume of the journal
Issue number of the applicable issue
Page number on which the article starts
Surname (familial name) of an author or editor (This element is used inside a <name> element or <string-name> element which is repeated when multiple authors must be listed.)
The year of publication
The month of publication (if present)
The day of month of publication (if present)
Other elements inside a citation may also be tagged if desired.

Linking Best Practice

In order to make citations into live links, as much of the author and date information as is available should be preserved, even if it is not possible to tag all the elements just named. The most important date tag is <year>, and it should always be tagged if possible, for example, <year>2008</year>. The <day> and <month> tags are used more rarely; they are provided because some of the citation matching services can use the month and day information if it is available.

Information Typing Best Practice

The @publication-type attribute should be used to describe the kind of material is being cited, for example, to distinguish between journal articles, preprints, books, reviews, standards, patents, cited data, personal communications, and so on.
Historical Note
This element is one of the two elements that replace the <citation> element used in previous versions of this Tag Set.
Related Elements
This <element-citation> element contains the bibliographic description of a work; the pointer to that description uses the <xref> element. These two elements are sometimes confused because in common language both may be called “citations”.
There are three kinds of citations in this Tag Set:
  • The element <element-citation>, which has element-only content, no interior punctuation or spacing, and allows the components of the citation to be in any order.
  • The element <mixed-citation>, which has textual content, with all interior punctuation and spacing preserved, and allows the components of the citation to be in any order.
  • Deprecated: The element <nlm-citation>, which has element-only content, no interior punctuation or spacing, and requires the components of the citation to be in a specific order. This element was used in previous versions of this Tag Set and is now deprecated.

Base Attributes


Models and Context
May be contained in
One or more of any of:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  element-citation
                        (%citation-elements;)+                       >
Expanded Content Model

(bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | label | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | annotation | article-title | chapter-title | collab | collab-alternatives | collab-name | collab-name-alternatives | collab-wrap | comment | conf-acronym | conf-date | conf-loc | conf-name | conf-sponsor | data-title | date | date-in-citation | day | edition | email | elocation-id | etal | ext-link | fpage | gov | institution | institution-wrap | isbn | issn | issn-l | issue | issue-id | issue-part | issue-title | lpage | month | name | name-alternatives | object-id | page-range | part-title | patent | person-group | pub-id | publisher-loc | publisher-name | role | season | series | size | source | std | string-date | string-name | supplement | trans-source | trans-title | uri | version | volume | volume-id | volume-series | year | sub | sup)+

Tagged Samples
To journal article
<ref id="G3">
 <element-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
  <name><surname>Llanos De La Torre Quiralte</surname>
  <name><surname>Garijo Ayestaran</surname>
  <name><surname>Poch Olive</surname>
  <article-title xml:lang="es">Evolucion de la mortalidad
   infantil de La Rioja (1980-1998)</article-title>
  <article-title xml:lang="en">Evolution of the infant
   mortality rate in la Rioja in Spain (1980-1998)</article-title>
  <source>An Esp Pediatr</source>
  <year iso-8601-date="2001-11">2001</year>
  <comment>Figura 3, Tendencia de mortalidad infantil
   [Figure 3, Trends in infant mortality]; p. 418. Spanish</comment>
To book
<ref id="B14">
 <element-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print">
  <person-group person-group-type="author">
  <source>A new kind of doctor: the general practitioner&rsquo;s 
   part in the health of the community</source>
  <date iso-8601-date="1988" date-type="pub">
  <publisher-name>Merlin Press</publisher-name>
Translated citation
<ref id="G3">
 <element-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
  <name><surname>Llanos De La Torre Quiralte</surname>
  <name><surname>Garijo Ayestaran</surname>
  <name><surname>Poch Olive</surname>
  <article-title xml:lang="es">Evolucion de la mortalidad
   infantil de La Rioja (1980-1998)</article-title>
  <article-title xml:lang="en">Evolution of the infant
   mortality rate in la Rioja in Spain (1980-1998)</article-title>
  <source>An Esp Pediatr</source>
  <year iso-8601-date="2001-11">2001</year>
  <comment>Figura 3, Tendencia de mortalidad infantil
   [Figure 3, Trends in infant mortality]; p. 418. Spanish</comment>
<date-in-citation> holds copyright year
 <element-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print">
  <part-title>Tobacco use</part-title>
  <person-group person-group-type="editor">
  <source>Clinical methods: the history, physical,
   and laboratory examinations</source>
  <publisher-loc>Stoneham (MA)</publisher-loc>
  <publisher-name>Butterworth Publishers</publisher-name>
  <date-in-citation content-type="copyright-year"
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