custom-type Custom Attribute Value Escape Hatch

Used in the same attribute list as an attribute with a set list of values, to provide a way for the content creator to say “my attribute value is not on the set list”.


Used only in the same attribute list as an attribute whose value comes from a set list.

Custom Value

When a JATS tagger needs to record an attribute value that is not named on the list of possible attribute values, they use the value “custom”. This tells a JATS processor that this attribute value is not one of the named values.
The best practice (unenforceable in DTDs, but very enforceable in Schematron, for example) is, that if you use the value “custom” for an attribute, you should then record what type of custom (the value not in the set list) in the @custom-type attribute. For example:
    <person-group person-group-type="custom" custom-type="statisticians">
	<xref ref-type="custom" custom-type="data-avail-statement">
OPTIONAL on many elements; click for list and usage
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The value of the type attribute for this element, when that value is not found in a set list of values.
Restriction @custom-type is an optional attribute; there is no default.