person-group-type Type of People in the Person Group

Role of the person(s) being named in the <person-group> element (for example, author, editor, curator).


The @person-group-type attribute was designed to name the role of the contributor inside a <person-group>. This tag set has a fixed list of types such as (“allauthors”, “assignee”, “compiler”, “curator”, “director”, etc.).

Semantic Roles Best Practice

When a contributor role is described by a controlled vocabulary, such as the ANSI/NISO Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT), best practice is not to use the @person-group-type attribute to name the formal contributor role. (The attribute may still be useful for informal groupings such as “editors”.)
Best practice is to use the <role> element inside <person-group> to indicate that all members of the group perform the same function. The vocabulary attributes on <role> should then point directly to the appropriate CRediT term, allowing the content of the <role> element to take any useful display value, while still preserving the CRediT semantics.
The major advantages of using <role> instead of @person-group-type are:
  • the ability to tie the content of the role to a formal vocabulary using the four JATS vocabulary attributes, and
  • the ability for a contributor to play more than one role in the creation of an article.
Of course, even when not using a controlled vocabulary, it is always possible to substitute the element <role> for the attribute @person-group-type.

Person Group Type Not on the List

When a JATS tagger needs to record a value that is not a named value on the list, they should use the value “custom”. This tells a JATS processor that this @person-group-type is not one of the known types. The attribute @custom-type should then be used to record the type of person group.
<person-group person-group-type="custom" custom-type="statisticians">
For any <person-group> with a @person-group-type attribute that takes the value “custom”, then the @custom-type attribute should be used and should have a value. Schematron or similar can be used to enforce this and, if desired, to constrain the @custom-type values.
OPTIONAL on element: <person-group>
Value Meaning
allauthors Used to identify a complete list of authors when a subset of the author group is used elsewhere in the citation. This may occur, for example, when a citation identifies both a book and a chapter within the book.
assignee Persons to whom a patent is awarded.
author Content creators.
compiler Persons who put together a composite work from multiple sources.
curator Person or group responsible for data curation or archival curation.
custom Not one of the meanings named in this list. The type can be found as the value of the attribute @custom-type.
director Directors.
editor Content editors.
guest-editor Content editors who have been invited to edit all or part of a work.
illustrator Creator of the pictures, drawings, or other illustrations (includes photographer).
inventor Idea, software, or machine creators.
research-assistant Assisted with the scientific research that is the basis for a work.
transed Editors of a translated version of a work.
translator Persons who translated the work from one language into another.
Restriction @person-group-type is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Samples
@person-group-type identifies contributor groups
<person-group person-group-type="author">
  <given-names>Ruth A</given-names></name>
Using both @person-group-type and <role>
<role> can describe the function of a contributor using CRediT taxonomy terms.
 <mixed-citation publisher-type="gov">
  <person-group person-group-type="author">
  <given-names>John C</given-names></string-name>
  (<role vocab="CRediT" 
  vocab-term="Writing &#8212; original draft"
  >sole author</role>), <aff>Texas Heart Institute, 
  Houston, TX</aff></person-group>.
  <gov>Report No.: NIH-N01-HV-5-3006-4-VI. Contract No.
  N01-HV-5-3006</gov>. <source>ALVAD: 1980. A 
  comprehensive final report to NHLI</source>.
  Vol. <volume>1</volume>. ...</mixed-citation>