<meta-name> Metadata Data Name for Custom Metadata
Name of a single piece of metadata not otherwise defined in the Tag Suite.
Other tag sets may define metadata above and beyond that which is specified in this
Tag Set. To capture this metadata during conversion, use the <custom-meta> element, which contains one name/value pair with few constraints on the length or
content of the value. For example, if an element named <prev-journal-title> contains an older title for this journal, as part of the journal metadata, use the
<custom-meta> element, with a <meta-name> of
“prev-journal-title” and a <meta-value> containing the older name.
Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT meta-name (#PCDATA %meta-name-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
Tagged Samples
CrossMark identifier
<page-count count="1"/>
Previous journal title
<journal-id>BioDiv Mut</journal-id>
<journal-title>Biodiversity & Mutation</journal-title>
<article-title>Black Smokers Sufrous Life</article-title>
<pub-date iso-8601-date="2009"><year>2009</year></pub-date>
<meta-value>Evolution of Biodiversity</meta-value>