<trans-title-group> Translated Title Group
Container element for translated and transliterated titles.
This element may be repeated, for example, to provide translations in multiple languages,
with the language indicated using the @xml:lang attribute.
Best Practice
Historical Note
In some previous versions of this Tag Set, this element was not available, which meant
that the titles and subtitles of multiple translations could not be grouped appropriately
by language. This can now be done correctly by grouping each pair in an individual
<trans-title-group>. This is one of the very few cases in which documents prior to the final NLM version
must be updated for NISO JATS. For such documents, a <trans-title-group> wrapper element must be added.
Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
- <trans-title> Translated Title
- <trans-subtitle> Translated Subtitle, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT trans-title-group %trans-title-group-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(trans-title, trans-subtitle*)
Tagged Samples
French translation of English title
<article dtd-version="1.3">
<article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">0002792-200209170-00001</article-id>
<article-title>Quebec's Bill 114</article-title>
<trans-title-group xml:lang="fr">
<trans-title>La Loi 114 du Québec</trans-title>
<pub-date publication-format="print" date-type="pub" iso-8601-date="2001-01-02">
<copyright-statement>Copyright © 2001, The Canadian
Medical Association</copyright-statement>
<p>When 51-year-old Claude Dufresne, experiencing his second
myocardial infarction, arrived ...</p>
<trans-abstract xml:lang="fr">
<p>Claude Dufresne, 51 ans, en proie à son deuxième
infarctus du myocarde, est arrivé trop tard de six minutes
à l'urgence du Centre hospitalier du Centre-de-la-Mauricie,
hôpital de 142 lits de Shawinigan- Sud. Les portes de
l'urgence étaient en effet fermées pour la nuit,
parce qu'aucun des 60 médecins de famille ou internistes
de l'hôpital n'était disponible pour assurer
le service. M. Dufresne est décédé en chemin
vers la salle d'urgence ouverte la plus près, à
quelque 30 minutes de là.</p>
Two translations of an original
... <article-meta> <title-group> <article-title>...</article-title> </title-group>... <issue-title-group> <issue-title xml:lang="en">The Poutine</issue-title> <issue-subtitle xml:lang="en">A Tasty Dish</issue-subtitle> <trans-title-group xml:lang="fr"> <trans-title>La poutine</trans-title> <trans-subtitle>un met savories</trans-subtitle> </trans-title-group> <trans-title-group xml:lang="pt"> <trans-title>Poutine</trans-title> <trans-subtitle>Um Prato amoroso</trans-subtitle> </trans-title-group> </issue-title-group>... </article-meta>...