<volume-issue-group> Volume Issue Grouping

A grouping element to hold related volume and issue elements.
Related Elements
In the metadata for most articles, there is a single issue number (<issue>) and a single volume number (<volume>) that describe where the article was published. These elements are located directly inside <article-meta>. However, some articles are published in more than one issue or in an issue that has more than one issue number. For these rare cases, a grouping element (<issue-title-group>) has been added, which associates issue title metadata (such as the issue title and subtitle) for a single issue. The element is repeatable to gather the issue title metadata for multiple issues.
There is also a larger-scale grouping element (<volume-issue-group>) to handle the rare cases where an article has been published as part of more than one volume/issue pair. This element keeps related volume and issue information together, and is allowed to repeat to describe multiple volume/issues.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  volume-issue-group
                        %volume-issue-group-model;                   >
Expanded Content Model

(volume*, volume-id*, volume-series?, issue*, issue-id*, issue-title*, issue-title-group*, issue-sponsor*, issue-part?)

Tagged Samples
Two volume numbers
Journal with both a regular publication volume number and a second volume number (differentiated by a @content-type attribute) identifying, for example, the volume from the beginning of the publication of a series or other parallel numbering scheme
   <journal-title>The Hospital</journal-title>
   <journal-subtitle>A Journal of The Medical Sciences 
    and Hospital Administration</journal-subtitle>
  <pub-date iso-8601-date="1907-04-06">
  <volume-issue-group content-type="new-series">
  <volume-issue-group content-type="publication">
Article in two consecutive volumes
 <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.2307/40784090</article-id>
  <article-title>They Were Hard to Kill, Those Places</article-title>
 <pub-date iso-8601-date="2006">
 <self-uri xlink:href="http://www.jstor.org/stable/40784090">
Related Resources