
Book-part-level Appendix

An appendix (a named book part) to an entire book.


A Book Appendix (<book-app>) contains ancillary or supporting material for an entire book, which is not included as part of the main textual content of the book, for example, reference tables, special glossaries, or an explanation of applications and software in a book on theory.
A <book-app> may be a very large book part with its own contributors, Table of Contents, indexing, etc. The <body> of a <book-app> may contain other <book-part> elements.

Related Elements

This element for a book-level appendix is similar to (but not the same as) the JATS inside-an-article appendix or the BITS inside-a-chapter-level appendix. In brief, an Appendix (<app>) is an appendix for a book part (<book-part>) while a Book Appendix (<book-app>) is an appendix for an entire book. In more detail:
  • A Book Appendix (<book-app>) is an appendix that is a book-part-level component of a book and is found in the back matter of the whole book (<book-back>).
    Book Appendices (<book-app>) are full book parts that may have their own contributors, funding information, publisher information, and other book-part-level metadata. Thus a book-level appendix has a regular <book-part-meta>, which may hold the title, identifier(s), etc. for a this appendix. Also in whole book appendices, the copyrights and licenses are only allowed as part of this initial book-part metadata.
  • An Appendix (<app>) is section-level component of a book part such as a chapter that is placed into the back matter (<back>) of that chapter.
    An appendix (<app>), as a section-like object, takes a title (<title>) like a section title. The identifier for an Appendix is the <object-id> element at the start of the <app> followed by any section-level metadata. Also in an <app>, the copyrights and licenses are allowed both as part of the initial metadata and as a display component at the end of the appendix.
    Conversion Note: If an inside-an-article appendix (<app>) were to be converted into a book-level appendix (<book-app>), the back matter-like elements loose at the end of the appendix (such as <ref-list>, <fn-group>, <glossary>, and <sig-block>) would need to be wrapped in a back matter (<back>) element.


Content Model

<!ELEMENT  book-app     %book-app-model;                             >

Expanded Content Model

(book-part-meta?, front-matter?, body?, back?)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:


<book-app id="bid.301">
<title>Appendix 1. TAXON nametypes.</title>
<sec id="bid.302">
<title>Scientific Name</title>
<p>Every node in the database is required to have ...</p>
<book-app id="bid.317">
<title>Appendix 2. Functional classes of TAXON scientific names.</title>
<book-app id="bid.331">
<title>Appendix 3. Other TAXON data types.</title>