
Compound Subject Name

Wrapper element to hold all the parts of a multi-part subject (for example, a subject term and the code representing that term).


Attribute Best Practice: If the content of the <compound-subject> element is a term from thesaurus, ontology, term-list, vocabulary, industry glossary or other known source, the vocabulary attributes should be used to identify that source. This source can be a formal ontology or an informal field of study. Two attributes are used in this Tag Set to identify a term from such a controlled or an uncontrolled vocabulary:
The content of the element is the free prose version of the vocabulary or taxonomic term. The @vocab-term attribute holds the canonical version of the same term, as it appears in the vocabulary. For example, if the attribute value was “VoR”, the element might contain the display text “Version of Record”
Unique identifier of the term within a specific vocabulary, such as (but not limited to) an item number, a URI, DOI, etc.

Related Elements

The <compound-subject> may be used if a subject has multiple parts, but need not be used unless both parts need to be captured:
  • If a subject is only a word or phrase (Neuroscience, Physical Sciences), the simple <subject> element can be used to capture this information (<subject>Neuroscience</subject> or <subject>Physical Sciences</subject>).
  • If a subject contains both a term and a code (A11 Permeability) but only one of those objects needs to be captured, a <subject> element may still be used, to record either the code (<subject>A11</subject>) or the subject (<subject>Permeability</subject>). If such a compound subject is considered to be a single subject, the <subject> element may also be used: <subject>A11 Permeability</subject>.
  • If a subject contains both a term and a code, and it is useful to record both the code and the term separately, each can be captured as a <compound-subject-part>s inside a <compound-subject>. (See tagged examples below.)


Content Model

<!ELEMENT  compound-subject
                        %compound-subject-model;                     >

Expanded Content Model



This element may be contained in:

Example 1

Coded subjects:
     content-type="text">Cellular and Molecular Biology



Example 2

Using the @content-type attribute to name the source and components:
<subj-group subj-group-type="flesch-subject-headings">