DASsee Data Availability Statements
dashedsee @underline-style
dash listsee @style-detail
Data Availability Statementsee Data Availability Statements
databasesee @vocab
data curation, contribution tosee <role>
data in citationssee Citing Data
dataset, reference tosee <ext-link>see <inline-supplementary-material>see <supplementary-material>
%data-title-elements; Data Title Elements
Datatype parameter entitysee %MultiLength.datatype;
data versionsee <version>
date, conferencesee <conf-date>
date, unstructuredsee <string-date>
datelinesee <pub-date>see <pub-history>
date not availablesee <pub-date-not-available>
date purposesee @date-type
dates in citationssee Dates in Citations
date typeuse @date-type
day of monthuse <day>
deaduse @deceased
death-noticesee <author-notes>see <notes>
deceased (Person has died since the work was written.)see @fn-type
dedication, when not a front matter sectionsee <ack>
defined objectuse <term-head>
definition itemuse <def-item>
Definition List: Definition Head
Definition List: Definition Head Attributes
Definition List: Definition Item
Definition List: Term Head Attributes
Definition List Item Class Element
degreeuse <degrees>
dekuse <abstract>
departmentsee <aff>
deprecated termsee @term-status
described objectuse <term-head>
descriptionsee <long-desc>see @sec-type
Description of a Private Character
diagramsee @fig-type
dialoguse <speech>
digitized version of recordsee <content-version>
dimensionssee <size>
directoruse <role>
discontinuous pagesuse <page-range>
displayed chemicalsee <chem-struct>
displayed formulause <disp-formula>
display formula, reference tosee @ref-type
display order, nameuse @name-style
display quoteuse <disp-quote>
display quote attributionsee <attrib>
District of Columbiause <state>
divisionsee <book-part>see <institution>
division, documentsee <sec>
division, organizationalsee <aff>
DOIuse <book-id>see @journal-id-type
do not change caseuse <fixed-case>
dotssee @style-detail
double underlinesee @underline-style