kwd-group-type Keyword Authority

The class or type of keyword, for example, “abbreviations” (for keywords that contain an abbreviation and its expansion) or “author-provided”.


This attributes holds the type of keyword for many kinds of keyword groups, for example, “hierarchical” for keywords that are grouped into a hierarchy, “abbreviations” for keywords that contain an abbreviation and its expansion, or “code” for keywords that contain a code and its text.

Source of the keyword

In current BITS, the @vocab attribute should be used to hold the name of a controlled or generic (uncontrolled) vocabulary, taxonomy, ontology, database, thesaurus, etc. that is the source of the keywords in the group, for example, “CRediT”, “DCC”, “structural engineering”, “ISO-463”, or “ICD9-codes”, etc.
In prior versions of this Tag Set, the @kwd-group-type attribute (which is still semantically overloaded) was used to hold keyword sources.

When to Use @assigning-authority

Current Best Practice is to use the @assigning-authority to name the organizational source whenever that attribute is appropriate; for example, Inspec, Crossref, Figshare, and other organizations should be tagged with @assigning-authority.
This @kwd-group-type attribute should have as values sources that are not appropriate assigning authorities, such as “author-provided”, “publisher”, and “editorial”.
OPTIONAL on elements: <kwd-group>, <unstructured-kwd-group>
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The type or class of keywords. For example, “hierarchical” for keywords that are grouped into a hierarchy or “code” for keywords that contain a code and its text explanation.
Restriction @kwd-group-type is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Samples
INSPEC keywords
<kwd-group kwd-group-type="Inspec-class">
  <compound-kwd-part content-type="code">B0260</compound-kwd-part>
  <compound-kwd-part content-type="text">Optimisation
Working Group keywords
<kwd-group kwd-group-type="working group" vocab="uncontrolled">
 <kwd>assurance case</kwd>
 <kwd>integrity level</kwd>
 <kwd>life cycle processes</kwd>
 <kwd>software assurance</kwd>
 <kwd>software engineering</kwd>
 <kwd>system assurance</kwd>
 <kwd>systems engineering</kwd>