e-addresssee <email>
eastern name display sequenceuse @name-style
e-componentsee <media>
edited-by (contributor has the role of an editor.)see @fn-type
editing and review, contribution tosee <role>
edition numberuse <edition>see @designator
editoruse <role>see @contrib-type
editor-groupsee <contrib-group>
editor-noteuse <notes>
electronic addresssee <email>
electronic componentsee <media>
Electronic Location Identifier
electronic mailuse <email>
electronic onlyuse @specific-use
<element-citation> Element Citation
element citations, discussionsee Element Style Citations
embed index terms inlinesee <index-term>
emphasissee <bold>see <italic>see <monospace>see <sc>see <underline>
emphasis, no element for specific type in JATSsee @style-detail
endmattersee <back>use <book-back>
endnoteuse <fn>
end page numbersee <lpage>
enhanced version of recordsee <content-version>
entry, listsee <list-item>
e-pathsee <uri>
epigraphsee <disp-quote>
e-published datesee @date-type
equal (contributed equally to the creation of the document)see @fn-type
equationsee <disp-formula>see <inline-formula>
equation, chemistrysee <chem-struct>
equation as a termsee @term-type
equation numbersee <label>
exchangesee <speech>
executablesuse <code>
executive summarysee @abstract-type
expanded termsee @term-type
expansion of acronymuse <abbrev>see <def>
expression, chemistrysee <chem-struct>
%extended-by-elements; Extended-by Elements
extended quotesee <disp-quote>
extentsee <book-page-count>
external filesee <graphic>see <media>see <supplementary-material>
external linkuse <ext-link>see <inline-supplementary-material>
external link typeuse @ext-link-type
external referencesee <ext-link>
external unique identifiersee <ext-link>see <pub-id>
extractsee <disp-quote>
extract attributionuse <attrib>
Extra Table Attributes (NISO JATS table model) parameter entitysee %Core.extra.attrib;