Cited Books

The majority of the non-journal citations are for books, in whole or part. There are additional elements used in book citations that are rarely used for journals:
  • Publisher information (<publisher-name> and <publisher-loc>) is nearly always present for a cited book, and may be tagged to aid in identification.
  • Most modern books are assigned ISBN values (<isbn>). Occasionally a journal series will also have an ISBN.
  • Books series titles and other series information should be tagged in a <series> element.
  • The length or page count of books should be tagged as the <size> element (“250p.”, tagged in a mixed citation as “<size units="pages">250</size>p.” and in an element citation as “<size units="pages">250</size><x>p.</x>”). Citations to entire books should not use the elements <fpage>, <lpage>, or <page-range>.
  • The titles of sub-parts of a book (chapter, modules, lessons, etc.) should be tagged as <part-title>s.
Here is a typical book, tagged in both element- and mixed-citation styles:
<element-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print">
 <collab>Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations</collab>
 <source>Are you prepared? Hospital emergency management checklist</source>
 <publisher-name>Joint Commission Resources</publisher-name>
 <publisher-loc>Oak Brook (IL)</publisher-loc>
 <comment>Forthcoming 2006</comment>

<mixed-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="print">
 <collab>Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare 
 Organizations</collab>. <source>Are you prepared? Hospital 
 emergency management checklist</source>. <publisher-loc>Oak 
 Brook (IL)</publisher-loc>: <publisher-name>Joint Commission 
 Resources</publisher-name>. Forthcoming 2006.</mixed-citation>
Here is a book in a non-print format, tagged in both element- and mixed-citation styles:
<element-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="mpic">
 <source>Clinical tonometry</source>
 <comment>[motion picture]</comment>
 <collab collab-type="producer">Public Health Service Audiovisual Facility</collab>
 <publisher-name>Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (US), 
  Public Health Service</publisher-name>
 <year iso-8601-date="1965">1965</year>
 <comment>1 reel: silent, black &amp; white, 35 mm</comment>

<mixed-citation publication-type="book" publication-format="mpic">
 <source>Clinical tonometry</source> [motion picture]. <collab 
 collab-type="producer">Public Health Service Audiovisual 
 Facility</collab>, producer. <publisher-loc>[Washington]</publisher-loc>:
 <publisher-name>Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (US), 
 Public Health Service</publisher-name>; <year iso-8601-date="1965">1965</year>. 
 1 reel: silent, black &amp; white, 35mm.</mixed-citation>