table-model Table Model Used

Which table model is used by the tag set for this document?


Until Version 2.1 of BITS, @dtd-version was a #FIXED attribute, set in the schema/DTD, that could not be changed by the BITS user. It was intended to name the highest-level version of BITS to which the document was valid. Being #FIXED meant that the attribute was always there, even if it was not present in the document.
Since the @dtd-version attribute has never provided a complete description of which version of the tag set a document is associated with, several attributes were added to the <processing-meta> element to describe the version choices more fully:
Which of the JATS tag set families is the basis for this document’s tag set? In BITS, this is fixed to “bits”.
Which table model is used by the tag set for this document? (e.g., “xhtml” or “oasis”)
Which version of MathML is used by the tag set for this document? (e.g., “3.0” or “2.0”). In BITS, this is fixed to “3.0”.
A list of the (possibly many) ways mathematical expressions may be represented in this document (e.g., both MathML and TeX [“mathml tex”])

Best Practice for no Tables

If no table model is used in this tag set, either because this is a derivative tag set that does not use a table model or because standard BITS (which defines a table model) is used but tables are never tagged, this attribute should be set to “none”.
OPTIONAL on element: <processing-meta>
Value Meaning
both Both XHTML-inspired and OASIS CALS models are used
none No table models are used
oasis The OASIS XML Exchange (CALS) table model
xhtml The XHTML-inspired table model
Restriction @table-model is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Sample

Which table model

Names XHTML, OASIS, both, or none
   math-representation="mathml tex"