equal-contrib Equal Contribution
Indicates whether or not all contributors contributed equally.
If the contributor whom this attribute modifies contributed equally with all other
contributors, this attribute should be set to “yes”; if
his/her contribution was greater or lesser, then this attribute should be set to
OPTIONAL on element: <contrib>
Value | Meaning |
no | This contributor did not participate equally with all other contributors. |
yes | This contributor participated equally with all other contributors. |
Restriction | @equal-contrib is an optional attribute; there is no default. |
Tagged Sample
Flagging an author’s contribution to the article (as different from her co-author)
<contrib contrib-type="author">
<name><surname initials="L">Lawrence</surname>
<given-names initials="SP">Sharon Peniston</given-names>
<contrib contrib-type="author" equal-contrib="no">
<name><surname initials="M">Miller</surname>
<given-names initials="DB">Donna Bunch</given-names>