arrange Arrangement of Subscripts and Superscripts

Indicates whether multiple subscripts or superscripts applying to the same character should stack (be placed one above the other as compactly as possible) or stagger (be stretched out in a line).
OPTIONAL on elements: <sub>, <sup>
Value Meaning
stack The multiple subscripts or superscripts should be placed one above the other as compactly as possible.
stagger The multiple subscripts or superscripts should be stretched out in a line.
Restriction @arrange is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Sample

A subscript and superscript in a “stacked” arrangement

<p>The <italic>Escherichia coli argU</italic> gene encodes a minor arginine
 tRNA, tRNA<sup arrange="stack">Arg</sup><sub arrange="stack">UCU</sub>,
 which corresponds to the rare codon AGA and possibly AGG ...</p>