maiden nameuse <given-names>
mailstopuse <addr-line>
major topic areasee <conf-theme>
manuscript numberuse <book-id>
mapsee @fig-type
marginaliause <boxed-text>see @position
materialssee @sec-type
mathsee <disp-formula>see <inline-formula>
mathematical expressionsee <disp-formula>see <inline-formula>
math fontuse <inline-formula>
MathMLsee @math-representation
MathML 3.0 Annotation Model parameter entitysee %annotation-xml.model;
MathML Tag Set Module parameter entitysee %mathml.dtd;
@mathml-version MathML Version
math modeuse <inline-formula>
Math Representation in This Document
Media, Inline Attributes parameter entitysee %inline-media-atts;
Media, Inline Elements parameter entitysee %inline-media-elements;
media of a cited worksee Format or Media of Cited Work
media typesee @mimetype
medical doctoruse <degrees>
metadatasee <custom-meta>see <sec-meta>
Metadata Data Name for Custom Metadata
Metadata Data Value for Custom Metadata
metadata for a bookuse <book-meta>
metadata for a book partuse <book-part-meta>
methodology, contribution tosee <role>
methodssee @sec-type
middle nameuse <given-names>
<milestone-start> Milestone Start
mimesee @mimetype
<mixed-citation> Mixed Citation
mixed citations, discussionsee Mixed Style Citations
moduleuse <book-part>
monetary supportsee <support-group>
moneysee @currency
monikeruse <prefix>
monofontsee <preformat>
Monospace Text (Typewriter Text)
more rowssee @rowspan
movieuse <media>
multi-language citationsuse <citation-alternatives>
multi-language collaborationsuse <collab-alternatives>
MultiLength Datatype parameter entitysee %MultiLength.datatype;
multimediasee <media>
multimedia groupsee <fig-group>
multimedia objectsee @mimetype
multi-part keywordssee Tagging Complex/Compound Keywords
multiple-choice question choicesee <option>
multiple formssee <self-uri>
multiple forms of a graphicsee Tagging Alternative Versions