BITS 2.0 to BITS 2.1 Change Report
All of the changes between BITS 2.0 and 2.1 are backward compatible. This means that
all documents that were valid according to BITS 2.0 will be valid according to BITS
2.1. Note that, unlike previous backwards compatible revisions in the JATS family,
nothing in a BITS 2.0 document will need to change; not even the @dtd-version attribute. (In previous versions, the @dtd-version attribute allowed only the current value; it now allows previous versions as well
as the current value.)
Changes Based on Requests form BITS Users
- Created <content-version> and <content-version-alternatives> and added them to <book-meta> and <book-part-meta> to identify versions, with are analogous to, but not the same as JATS' <article-version>s
- Changed the model of @dtd-version from the current version, which it has been in the past, to a list of the current and all previous versions of BITS. This will mean that all BITS 2.0 and many BITS 1.X documents will be valid to the version 2.1 models.
- Redefined <source> and <part-title> so that they work for description of a variety of resources
- Deprecated <chapter-title>, encouraging users to replace it with <part-title> and preparing them for the removal of <chapter-title> in the next non-backward compatible version of BITS.
- Added <self-uri> to <sec-meta>
- Added <sec-meta> to <glossary>, <index>, <ref-list>, and <toc>.
- Created <content-language> and added it to <book-meta>, <book-part-meta>, and <collection-meta> to record the languages of multi-lingual documents
- Added @sort-key attribute to <index-term>
- Add <pub-date> to <collection-meta> to allow encoding publication date for book sets.
- <event-desc> model expanded to make it more like JATS, but adding:
- Added <object-id> to <alternatives>, <app-group>, <citation-alternatives>, <disp-formula-group>, <disp-formula>, <sec-meta>, and <speech>
- Added “arabic” as a suggested value for the @list-type attribute in the documentation
- Added @style-detail attribute to <list>
- Created new <legend> element and added it to the models of:
Changes Based on Updates to JATS
BITS is based on the JATS Archiving model. Since BITS was last revised JATS version
1.3 has been released. Because one of the goals of BITS is to enable JATS articles
to become BITS book parts with minimal changes to body of the article and relatively
few changes to the article metadata, BITS adopts most changes to JATS. Echoing JATS
changes, the following changes have been made in this version of BITS:
- Added new top-level metadata group (<processing-meta>) to <book> and <book-part-wrapper> to hold information descriptive of the XML-tagged document (document instance), as
contrasted to information about the intellectual content of the document. Inside <processing-meta> there might be:
and <processing-meta> might have the following attributes:
- Added vocabulary identification attributes @vocab, @vocab-identifier, @vocab-term, @vocab-term-identifier to:
- <compound-kwd>, <compound-subject>,
- <content-version>,
- <custom-meta>,
- <extended-by>,
- <inline-media>,
- <institution-id>,
- <kwd>, <kwd-group>, <nested-kwd>,
- <named-content>,
- <resource-id>,
- <restricted-by>,
- <role>,
- <see>, <see-also>, <see-also-entry>, <see-entry>,
- <subj-group>, <subject>, <term>, <unstructured-kwd-group>
- Added @assigning-authority to structures that contain identifiers or vocabulary terms:
- <award-id>, <book-id>, <contrib-id>
- <custom-meta>
- <ext-link>
- <extended-by>
- <kwd>, <kwd-group>, <compound-kwd>, <nested-kwd>, <unstructured-kwd-group>
- <isbn>, <issn>, <issn-l>
- <institution-id>
- <issue-id>, <journal-id>, <object-id>
- <pub-date>
- <pub-id>
- <restricted-by>
- <resource-id>
- <role>
- <subject>, <subj-group>, <compound-subject>
- <uri>, <self-uri>
- <volume-id>, <book-part-id>, <book-volume-id>, <collection-id>
- <content-version>
- Added @hreflang attribute, to name the language of the material to which a link is pointing, as added
- <abbrev>
- <award-desc>, <award-group>, <award-id>, <award-name>,
- <bio>,
- <chem-struct>,
- <collab>, <contrib>,
- <conference>,
- <content-version>,
- <custom-meta>, <named-content>,
- <element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, <product>,
- <email>,
- <ext-link>, <extended-by>, <related-article>, <related-object>, <self-uri>, <uri>,
- <funding-source>, <funding-statement>,
- <graphic>, <inline-graphic>, <inline-media>, <inline-supplementary-material>, <media>, <supplementary-material>,
- <institution>,
- <issue-id>, <pub-id>, <volume-id>
- <license>,
- <long-desc>,
- <resource-name>, <restricted-by>, <support-source>
- Added <award-name>, <award-desc>, <principal-award-recipient> and <support-source> to <award-group>
- To match the expanded table models in JATS, added to the models of <td>, <th>, <array>, and <oasis:entry>:
- Added the @use-type to both <mixed-citation> and <element-citation>
- Added @award-id-type to <award-id>
- Added structures to describe non-monetary support. <support-group> is added to the metadata for both <book> and <book-part>. Structures to describe the support are also added: <contributed-resource-group>, <support-source>, <support-description>, <resource-group>, <resource-name>, <resource-wrap>, and <resource-id>.
- Expanded attributes on <role> to enable:
- specification of degree of contribution (@degree-contribution), and
- document use of CRediT terms as best practice on <role>
- Added @xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation to document level elements
- Expanded model of <source> to include:
- inline-display class (<alternatives>, <inline-graphic>, <private-char>)
- inline-math class (<chem-struct>, <inline-formula>)
- math class (<tex-math>, <mml:math>)
- simple link class (<fn>, <target>, <xref> )
- <abbrev>
- Added @style-detail attribute to <styled-content>
- Added attributes to <term>
- Added <pub-date-not-available> flag because it may occur in JATS articles (it would not otherwise be needed in BITS because <pub-date> is always optional in BITS).
- Added accessibility structures to <inline-formula>: <alt-text> and <long-desc>
- Added <string-date> to all references and reference-like structures: <element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, <product>, <related-article>, and <related-object>
- Added <sup> and <sub> to <date-in-citation>
- Added <disp-formula> to <table-wrap>
- Added new element <inline-media> as an inline equivalent of <media> as <inline-graphic> is an inline equivalent to <graphic> and made available everywhere <inline-graphic> is allowed
- Model of <chapter-title> expanded to more closely mirror the model of <article-title>, to include:
- Model of <data-title> enhanced to include:
- Model of <source> enhanced to include <inline-media>
- Allow subject groups in all the places JATS allows them, by adding <subj-group> to:
- Enhanced the model for <statement> by adding <abstract>, <kwd-group>, and <subj-group>
- Added <caption> to <disp-formula>
- Created new attribute @indent-level, available on <verse-group> and <verse-line>
- <xref> was added to the following structures to enable a link to <supplementary-material> and thus a link to the data that may underlie the information in the table or graphic: <fig-group>, <fig>, <graphic>, <media>, <supplementary-material>, <support-source>, <table-wrap-group>, <table-wrap>
- <ext-link> was added to these elements to enable direct linking to external source material: <event-desc>, <inline-media>, <support-source>
- Added @custom-type to <fn>, <person-group>, <pub-id>, and <xref>
- Added <long-desc> to <inline-graphic>