style-detail Styling Detail

Additional formatting information for lists and named styles. This attribute can specify the prefix character for a bulleted-style list. This attribute can also add information to the @style attribute (for a <styled-content> element), for example, a sub-style to distinguish between dots or sesamis, by declaring some to be “hollow” dots and some to be “solid” or filled dots.


Bulleted List Style
If the @list-type specifies a bulleted style (“@list-type="bullet"”), the @style-detail attribute may be used to name the preferred prefix character such as “dash”, “hollow-bullet”, or “square”. If no @style-detail is given, the processing system will choose what character to display.
BITS neither establishes nor suggests values for this use of the @style-detail attribute, but this capability was requested to add explicit dashed lists and symbol lists to documents.
When the @style-detail attribute sets the prefix character for a bulleted list, it is merely replacing the display-system chosen prefix character. Therefore use of Styling Detail does not change the interaction with Prefix Word (For a List Item). (See Prefix Word (For a List Item) for details.) Of course, the attribute @style-detail is always optional; a BITS user is free to name the list as a bulleted list (@list-type="bullet") and let the display system choose the display style.
Note: An explicit <label> that is part of a list item always takes precedence over the @list-type or @style-detail attributes.
Kenten and Similar Markup
For some highlighting styles, three pieces of style information are most useful: the style name or style class, the style type (human readable), and further specific information concerning the style, which is recorded in this Styling Detail attribute.
Being able to indicate three separate styling-related specifications is particularly useful in Japanese, where authors typically use emphasizing marks (dots or sesamis), called “Kenten”, which are associated with individual Japanese characters as dots above, dots beside, or similar typographic construction. Many languages (Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Arabic, Hungarian, and Armenian, to name but a few) use stress marks and similar typographic conventions (such as dots or sesamis) in the same way that English (as one example) uses <bold> or <italic> emphasis.
Here are some Japanese examples illustrating how the Styling Detail attribute might be used to modify the style (@style-type):
style-type style-detail values
  • open
  • closed (filled)
  • double (dot inside dot)
sesami (sesame)
  • open
  • closed (filled)
  • open
  • closed (filled)
  • double (circle inside circle)
  • forward (slant left)
  • backward (slant right)
  • open
  • closed (filled)
Formatting Verse
The attribute @style-detail can be used as a third style facet to control the display of a line or a group of lines. There is no guidance or best practice here, each BITS user is free to develop personalized rules for internal use, with the expectation that others are unlikely to be able to automatically style the content as intended.
OPTIONAL on many elements; click for list and usage
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters A value which indicates additional information about a style (@style), for example, a sub-style to distinguish between dots or sesamis, by declaring some to be “hollow” dots and some to be “solid” or filled dots.
Restriction @style-detail is an optional attribute; there is no default.
Tagged Samples
Unordered list with character set by @style-detail
<p>... To assist standards developers to define accessibility 
requirements and recommendations, the Guide presents:
 <list list-type="bullet" style-detail="dash">
   <p>a summary of current terminology relating to accessibility;</p></list-item>
   <p>issues to consider in support of accessibility in the standards 
    development process;</p></list-item>
   <p>a set of accessibility goals (used to identify user accessibility 
   <p>descriptions of (and design considerations for) human abilities 
    and characteristics;</p></list-item>
   <p>strategies for addressing user accessibility needs and design 
    considerations in standards.</p></list-item>
Different dot styles are used as emphasis in many non-western languages.
     toggle="no">あいうえお</styled-content> ...</p>