<string-name> Name of Person (Unstructured)
Container element for personal names captured with mixed-content where the order of
the name components is not enforced.
This is a very loose element, which may contain text, numbers, special characters,
generated text, and any or all of the naming elements, such as <surname>.
Best Practice
Although the schemas do not enforce
it, for typical western names (for which the surname and given names are both known)
<string-name> element should be used only
within a <name-alternatives> wrapper, for use
when a name is being provided in more than one language. A <string-name> element should not be used for the primary
name whenever the name can be described in the ordinary way.
If the name parts are unknown or untagged, put
the whole name within the <string-name>
element, for example, <string-name>Ice Cube</string-name>. Use of
the <string-name> element is more likely to
lead to better searching in a repository than merely leaving the person’s name
Since the <string-name> model permits the
tagging of name parts within it, a name like “Prince Charles” could be
tagged as a given name “Charles” (<given-names>) and prefix “Prince” (<prefix>), but such tagging is likely to be rare and
<string-name>Prince Charles</string-name> is also valid
Examples of when name parts might be usefully tagged inside <string-name> include:
- A scenario in which “string names” are tagged as part of a preliminary process, and subsequent processes include tagging the specific name parts; or
- An instance in which reverse order of a name, with the separating comma-space, is
to be preserved as a single string, but name parts still need to be tagged for enhanced
search capability, i.e., “Abernathy, the Honorable Sir Edward” might be
tagged as:
<string-name><surname>Abernathy</surname>, the Honorable Sir Edward</string-name>
and “Smith, Jane” might be tagged as:<string-name><surname>Smith</surname>, <given-names>Jane</given-names></string-name>
Models and Context
May be contained in
Any combination of:
- Text, numbers, or special characters
- Linking Elements
- Related Material Elements
- <hr> Horizontal Rule
- Emphasis Elements
- <bold> Bold
- <fixed-case> Fixed Case
- <italic> Italic
- <monospace> Monospace Text (Typewriter Text)
- <overline> Overline
- <overline-start> Overline Start
- <overline-end> Overline End
- <roman> Roman
- <sans-serif> Sans Serif
- <sc> Small Caps
- <serif> Serif
- <strike> Strike Through
- <underline> Underline
- <underline-start> Underline Start
- <underline-end> Underline End
- <ruby> Ruby Annotation Wrapper
- <alternatives> Alternatives For Processing
- Inline Display Elements
- Inline Math Elements
- Math Elements
- Other Inline Elements
- Internal Linking Elements
- <sub> Subscript
- <sup> Superscript
- <x> X - Generated Text and Punctuation
- <degrees> Degree(s)
- <given-names> Given (First) Names
- <prefix> Prefix
- <surname> Surname
- <suffix> Suffix
Content Model
<!ELEMENT string-name (#PCDATA %string-name-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | hr | bold | fixed-case | italic | monospace | overline | overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | serif | strike | underline | underline-start | underline-end | ruby | alternatives | inline-graphic | inline-media | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | index-term | index-term-range-end | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | x | degrees | given-names | prefix | surname | suffix)*
Tagged Samples
Place <given-names> before <surname>
<string-name name-style="western">
Alternative languages
<name name-style="western"><surname>Chu</surname>
<given-names>J. H.</given-names></name>
<string-name name-style="eastern" xml:lang="zh">褚君浩</string-name>
... <contrib-group> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name-alternatives> <name name-style="western"><surname>Zhang</surname> <given-names>Y. P.</given-names></name> <string-name name-style="eastern" xml:lang="zh">张轶泼</string-name> </name-alternatives> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="a1">1</xref> <xref ref-type="author-notes" rid="n1">a)</xref> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name-alternatives> <name name-style="western"><surname>Isobe</surname> <given-names>M.</given-names></name> <string-name name-style="eastern" xml:lang="zh">磯部光孝</string-name> </name-alternatives> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="a2">2</xref> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name-alternatives> <name name-style="western"><surname>Liu</surname> <given-names>Yi</given-names></name> <string-name name-style="eastern" xml:lang="zh">刘仪</string-name> </name-alternatives> <xref ref-type="aff" rid="a1">1</xref> </contrib> </contrib-group> ...
In citations
Mixed citation
... <ref id="B6"> <label>6</label> <mixed-citation> <string-name><surname>DerSimonian</surname>, <given-names>R</given-names></string-name>, <string-name><surname>Laird</surname>, <given-names>N</given-names></string-name>. <article-title>Meta-analysis in clinical trials</article-title>. <source>Controlled Clin Trials</source>: <volume>7</volume>; <year iso-8601-date="1986">1986</year>; <fpage>177</fpage>-<lpage>188</lpage> [ <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">3802833</pub-id>]. </mixed-citation> </ref> ...
Element citation
... <ref id="B6"> <label>6</label> <element-citation> <string-name><surname>DerSimonian</surname>, <given-names>R</given-names></string-name> <string-name><surname>Laird</surname>, <given-names>N</given-names></string-name> <article-title>Meta-analysis in clinical trials</article-title> <source>Controlled Clin Trials</source> <volume>7</volume> <year iso-8601-date="1986">1986</year> <fpage>177</fpage> <lpage>188</lpage> <pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">3802833</pub-id> </element-citation> </ref> ...
In citations using <x>
Article citation
... <ref id="CIT0001"> <mixed-citation publication-type="journal"> <person-group person-group-type="author"> <string-name><surname>Adesope</surname><x>, </x> <given-names>O. O.</given-names></string-name><x>, </x> <string-name><surname>Lavin</surname><x>, </x> <given-names>T.</given-names></string-name><x>, </x> <string-name><surname>Thompson</surname><x>, </x> <given-names>T.</given-names></string-name><x>, & </x> <string-name><surname>Ungerleider</surname><x>, </x> <given-names>C.</given-names></string-name></person-group> <x> (</x><year>2010</year><x>). </x> <article-title>A systematic review and meta-analysis of the cognitive correlates of bilingualism</article-title><x>. </x> <source>Review of Educational Research</source><x>, </x> <volume>80</volume><x> (</x><issue>2</issue><x>), </x> <fpage>207</fpage><x>–</x><lpage>245</lpage><x>. doi: </x> <pub-id pub-id-type="doi">10.3102/0034654310368803</pub-id> </mixed-citation> </ref> ...
Book citation
... <ref id="CIT0182"> <mixed-citation publication-type="book"> <person-group person-group-type="author"> <string-name><surname>Larsen-Freeman</surname><x>, </x> <given-names>D.</given-names></string-name><x>, & </x> <string-name><surname>Long</surname><x>, </x> <given-names>M.</given-names></string-name> </person-group><x> (</x><year>1991</year><x>). </x> <source>An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research</source><x>. </x> <publisher-loc>London</publisher-loc><x>: </x> <publisher-name>Longman</publisher-name><x>.</x> </mixed-citation> </ref> ...
Related Resources
For a discussion on the use of
<string-name>, see Personal Names in Citations.