<back> Back Matter for a Book Part
Ancillary or supporting material not included as part of the main textual content
of a
book part, for example, appendices and lists of references. This is equivalent to
the <back> element in the JATS article model(s).
Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
- <label> Label (of an Equation, Figure, Reference, etc.), zero or one
- <title> Title, zero or more
- One or more of any of:
- <app> Appendix
- <app-group> Appendix Group
- <floats-group> Floating Element Group
- <index> Index
- <index-group> Index Group
- <ref-list> Reference List (Bibliographic)
- <ack> Acknowledgments
- <bio> Biography
- <dedication> Dedication
- <fn-group> Footnote Group
- <glossary> Glossary Elements List
- <toc> Table of Contents
- <toc-group> Table of Contents Group
- <notes> Notes
- <sec> Section
- <sig-block> Signature Block
Content Model
<!ELEMENT back %back-model; >
Expanded Content Model
(label?, title*, (app | app-group | floats-group | index | index-group | ref-list | ack | bio | dedication | fn-group | glossary | toc | toc-group | notes | sec | sig-block)+)
Tagged Sample
Reference List for <book-part>
<book-part id="bid.2" book-part-type="chapter">
<sec id="bid.3">
<p>Initially, GenBank was built and maintained at Los Alamos
National Laboratory ...</p>
<ref id="bid.41">
<article-title>A common language for physical mapping
of the human genome</article-title>
<year iso-8601-date="1989">1989</year>
<pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">2781285</pub-id>