<award-desc> Award Description
Descriptive text associated with an award ID or award name, which may express, for
example, the type of award (“Post-doc fellowship”, “operating grant”), something about
the award (“statutory funds”), or a description of the award (“a research grant for
developing innovative cancer treatments”).
An award description is difficult to define precisely. It holds any text describing
an award where the text is not an award identifier, an award name, or a funding source.
Examples of award descriptions from PubMed Central include:
- <award-desc>a research grant for developing innovative cancer</award-desc>
- <award-desc>clinician scientist program</award-desc>
- <award-desc>doctoral grant</award-desc>
- <award-desc>German Egyptian research long-term scholarship</award-desc>
- <award-desc>Post-doc fellowship</award-desc>
- <award-desc>philanthropic grant</award-desc>
Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT award-desc (#PCDATA %award-desc-elements;)* >
Expanded Content Model
Tagged Sample
Institution that is not a funder
<award-group id="fund2">
<institution-id institution-id-type="FundRef"
<institution>National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases</institution>
<award-desc>(Michigan Diabetes Research Center)</award-desc>
<given-names>Martin G</given-names>