<award-desc> Award Description

Descriptive text associated with an award ID or award name, which may express, for example, the type of award (“Post-doc fellowship”, “operating grant”), something about the award (“statutory funds”), or a description of the award (“a research grant for developing innovative cancer treatments”).


An award description is difficult to define precisely. It holds any text describing an award where the text is not an award identifier, an award name, or a funding source.
Examples of award descriptions from PubMed Central include:
  • <award-desc>a research grant for developing innovative cancer</award-desc>
  • <award-desc>clinician scientist program</award-desc>
  • <award-desc>doctoral grant</award-desc>
  • <award-desc>German Egyptian research long-term scholarship</award-desc>
  • <award-desc>Post-doc fellowship</award-desc>
  • <award-desc>philanthropic grant</award-desc>
Related Elements
Identifying grants and awards: There are (at least) three independent concepts at work in the description of a grant or an award:
  • <award-id> — An award or grant identifier. Preferably a short, machine-actionable string (such as <award-id>U1605212</award-id> or <award-id>P30DK020572<award-id>).
  • <award-name> — The natural language name of the award or grant, that is typically a phrase such as <award-name>Marie Curie Career Integration Grant</award-name> or <award-name>Schleswig-Holstein Excellence Chair</award-name>)
  • <award-desc> — An award description holds textual material concerning an award or grant that does not fit in one of the two elements above, for example, the word “Fellowship” or “German Egyptian research long-term scholarship”.
The award IDs, award names, and award descriptions are all connected by being in the same <award-group>.
The <award-name> of an award is typically a proper noun by which the award is known, such as “Richardson Grant for Excellence in Analysis” or the “Lee Honors Fellowship”. In contrast, the award description (<award-desc>) tells you something about the award, such as its type (“philanthropic grant”), project name (“project Tundrascape of the Terrestrial Flagship”), or naming grant-related institutions that are not the funding sources (“NCI-UMD partnership”).

Base Attributes


Models and Context
May be contained in
Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  award-desc
                        (#PCDATA %award-desc-elements;)*             >
Expanded Content Model


Tagged Sample

Institution that is not a funder

<award-group id="fund2">
   <institution-id institution-id-type="FundRef"
   <institution>National Institute of Diabetes and 
    Digestive and Kidney Diseases</institution>
 <award-desc>(Michigan Diabetes Research Center)</award-desc>
   <given-names>Martin G</given-names>