<subj-group> Subject Group

Container element for the subject matter designations describing a document’s content or a document component’s content. Subjects are used to organize documents into groupings (potentially hierarchical groupings) for display or print.


Subjects (and groupings of subjects) are used, typically, to provide headings for groups of documents or document components in a printed, or online, generated Table of Contents.
In some journals, articles are grouped into categories which this Tag Set calls <subject>s, which may be grouped into <subj-group>s. Similarly, a book may use this mechanism to group <book-part>s. These subject categories are typically shown in the Table of Contents, at the top of the first print or display page, or on the web splash page for the work. Sometimes the grouping or category refers to the type of content, such as “Essay”, “Lesson”, “Award”, or “Unit”. Sometimes the grouping refers to subject areas, such as “Physical Sciences”, “Biological Sciences”, or “Social Sciences”. Sometimes the grouping refers to topics within the larger subject areas, such as “Applied Math”, “Biology”, or “Chemistry”. For example, a one-level grouping might be:
or, as another example:
 <subject>Magnetic Resonance</subject>
And a four-level grouping might be:
<subj-group subj-group-type="keywords"> 
 <subject>Biological Sciences</subject>
 <subj-group subj-group-type="keywords">
  <subj-group subj-group-type="keywords">
   <subject>Cellular and Molecular Biology</subject>  
   <subj-group subj-group-type="keywords">
    <subject>Blood–brain barrier</subject>
Books and book parts may be assigned to more than one grouping. For example, if a chapter is classified as “Biochemistry” under “Biological Sciences” and “Chemistry” under “Physical Sciences”, the <subj-group> container element may repeat. For example:
 <subject>Chemical Disciplines</subject>
  <subject>Biological Sciences</subject>
  <subject>Physical Sciences</subject>

Attribute Best Practice

If the content of the <subj-group> element is a term from a thesaurus, ontology, term-list, vocabulary, industry glossary or other known source, the vocabulary attributes should be used to record that source. This source can be a formal ontology or an informal field of study. Two attributes are used in this Tag Set to identify such a controlled or uncontrolled vocabulary:
Name of the controlled or uncontrolled vocabulary, taxonomy, ontology, index, database, or similar that is the source of the term. For example, for a subject term, a value might be the IPC Codes (“ipc”) or MESH headings (“mesh”). For an uncontrolled term, the value might be an area of study such as “medical-devices” or merely the word “uncontrolled”.
Unique identifier of the vocabulary, such as (but not limited to) a URI or DOI. For example, for Dublin Core (DCC), the identifier might be “http://dublincore.org/documents/2012/06/14/dces/”.

Base Attributes

Models and Context
May be contained in
The following, in order:
Content Model
<!ELEMENT  subj-group   %subj-group-model;                           >
Expanded Content Model

((subject | compound-subject)+, subj-group*)

Tagged Samples
Organization groupings for a chapter
<book dtd-version="2.1">  
  <book-part id="bid.2" book-part-type="chapter">
     <subject>Physical Sciences</subject>
      <subject>Introductory Chemistry</subject>
      <subject>Organic Chemistry</subject>
      <subject>Physical Chemistry</subject>
     <subject>Biological Sciences</subject>
     <title>GenBank: The Nucleotide Sequence Database</title>
     <contrib contrib-type="author">
    <sec id="bid.3">...</sec>
Subject categorizations
<book-part id="bid.12" book-part-type="chapter">
   <subject>ISO/TC 43</subject>
    <subject>SC 1, Noise</subject>
 <subj-group subj-group-type="kwd">
  <subject content-type="neurosci">Cellular and Molecular
   <subject content-type="neurosci">Blood&ndash;brain
Table of Contents grouping
<book-part id="bid.1" book-part-type="part">
  <subj-group subj-group-type="toc-heading">
    <subject>Structural, Mechanical, Thermodynamic, and Optical 
     Properties of Condensed Matter</subject>
One article, many subject groups
<book-part id="bid.8" book-part-type="chapter">
   <subject>Legal Reform</subject>
    <subject>Federal Court Decisions</subject>
     <subject>Supreme Court Opinions</subject>
      <subject>Criminal Procedure</subject>
       <subject>Fourth Amendment:  Search and Seizure</subject>
        <subject>Vehicle Passenger Rights: <italic>Brendlin v.
     <subject>4th Circuit Decisions</subject>
      <subject>Habeas Corpus</subject>
       <subject>Detaining U.S. Residents: <italic>Al-Marri v.

    <subject>Federal Law</subject>
     <subject>Changes to FISA Surveillance:  Protect America Act of

    <subject>Ethical Guidelines</subject>
     <subject>Protecting Client Confidences</subject>
      <subject>Potential for Identity Theft in Pleadings and
       <subject>Drivers License Numbers</subject>
       <subject>Social Security Numbers</subject>

Subject associated with a vocabulary
Subject from Dewey Decimal showing the canonical term in the @vocab-term attribute and its translation in the %lt;subject> content. (Note: “Engineering of railroads, roads” is a DDC term, not free text.)
<subj-group id="DDC-ex1" xml:lang="en" 
 <subject id="DCC-625" 
  vocab-term="Engineering of railroads, roads"
  Ingénierie des chemins de fer, routes</subject>
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